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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/5/26 17:51:20

大连医科大学Xiaochi Ma等研究人员合作发现,培养的人体肠道真菌基因组汇编描述肠道真菌生物群的特征及其与常见疾病的相关性。该项研究成果于2024年5月21日在线发表在《细胞》杂志上。





Title: A genomic compendium of cultivated human gut fungi characterizes the gut mycobiome and its relevance to common diseases

Author: Qiulong Yan, Shenghui Li, Qingsong Yan, Xiaokui Huo, Chao Wang, Xifan Wang, Yan Sun, Wenyu Zhao, Zhenlong Yu, Yue Zhang, Ruochun Guo, Qingbo Lv, Xin He, Changliang Yao, Zhiming Li, Fang Chen, Qianru Ji, Aiqin Zhang, Hao Jin, Guangyang Wang, Xiaoying Feng, Lei Feng, Fan Wu, Jing Ning, Sa Deng, Yue An, De-an Guo, Francis M. Martin, Xiaochi Ma

Issue&Volume: 2024-05-21

Abstract: The gut fungal community represents an essential element of human health, yet itsfunctional and metabolic potential remains insufficiently elucidated, largely dueto the limited availability of reference genomes. To address this gap, we presentedthe cultivated gut fungi (CGF) catalog, encompassing 760 fungal genomes derived fromthe feces of healthy individuals. This catalog comprises 206 species spanning 48 families,including 69 species previously unidentified. We explored the functional and metabolicattributes of the CGF species and utilized this catalog to construct a phylogeneticrepresentation of the gut mycobiome by analyzing over 11,000 fecal metagenomes fromChinese and non-Chinese populations. Moreover, we identified significant common disease-relatedvariations in gut mycobiome composition and corroborated the associations betweenfungal signatures and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) through animal experimentation.These resources and findings substantially enrich our understanding of the biologicaldiversity and disease relevance of the human gut mycobiome.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.04.043

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(24)00469-0
