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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/4/4 15:23:26

英国利物浦大学Bower, John F.团队报道了定向烯醇化策略能够在合成复杂氨基酸的过程中,无副产物地构建连续的立体中心。相关研究成果发表在2024年4月2日出版的《自然—化学》。





Title: A directed enolization strategy enables by-product-free construction of contiguous stereocentres en route to complex amino acids

Author: Hong, Fenglin, Aldhous, Timothy P., Kemmitt, Paul D., Bower, John F.

Issue&Volume: 2024-04-02

Abstract: Homochiral α-amino acids are widely used in pharmaceutical design as key subunits in chiral catalyst synthesis or as building blocks in synthetic biology. Many synthetic methods have been developed to access rare or unnatural variants by controlling the installation of the α-stereocentre. By contrast, and despite their importance, α-amino acids possessing β-stereocentres are much harder to synthesize. Here we demonstrate an iridium-catalysed protocol that allows the direct upconversion of simple alkenes and glycine derivatives to give β-substituted α-amino acids with exceptional levels of regio- and stereocontrol. Our method exploits the native directing ability of a glycine-derived N–H unit to facilitate Ir-catalysed enolization of the adjacent carbonyl. The resulting stereodefined enolate cross-couples with a styrene or α-olefin to install two contiguous stereocentres. The process offers very high levels of regio- and stereocontrol and occurs with complete atom economy. In broader terms, our reaction design offers a unique directing-group-controlled strategy for the direct stereocontrolled α-alkylation of carbonyl compounds, and provides a powerful approach for the synthesis of challenging contiguous stereocentres.

DOI: 10.1038/s41557-024-01473-5

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-024-01473-5


Nature Chemistry:《自然—化学》,创刊于2009年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:24.274