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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/3/5 13:50:07

近日,美国加州大学Dylan A. Vasey和德国地球科学研究中心Frank Zwaan的团队取得一项新突破。他们的研究揭示了裂谷历史对陆内裂谷反转造山带构造样式的影响。相关论文于2024年3月1日发表在《地质学》杂志上。





Title: Impact of rift history on the structural style of intracontinental rift-inversion orogens

Author: Dylan A. Vasey, John B. Naliboff, Eric Cowgill, Sascha Brune, Anne Glerum, Frank Zwaan

Issue&Volume: 2024-03-01

Abstract: Although many collisional orogens form after subduction of oceanic lithosphere between two continents, some orogens result from strain localization within a continent via inversion of structures inherited from continental rifting. Intracontinental rift-inversion orogens exhibit a range of structural styles, but the underlying causes of such variability have not been extensively explored. We use numerical models of intracontinental rift inversion to investigate the impact of parameters including rift structure, rift duration, post-rift cooling, and convergence velocity on orogen structure. Our models reproduce the natural variability of rift-inversion orogens and can be categorized using three endmember styles: asymmetric underthrusting (AU), distributed thickening (DT), and localized polarity flip (PF). Inversion of narrow rifts tends to produce orogens with more localized deformation (styles AU and PF) than those resulting from wide rifts. However, multiple combinations of the parameters we investigated can produce the same structural style. Thus, our models indicate no unique relationship between orogenic structure and the conditions prior to and during inversion. Because the style of rift-inversion orogenesis is highly contingent upon the rift history prior to inversion, knowing the geologic history that preceded rift inversion is essential for translating orogenic structure into the processes that produced that structure.

DOI: 10.1130/G51489.1

Source: https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article/doi/10.1130/G51489.1/635785/Impact-of-rift-history-on-the-structural-style-of

