来源:Frontiers of Architectural Research 发布时间:2024/3/28 12:20:59
FoAR  凝思的神经美学与建筑学:对感觉运动的一次探索

论文标题:Contemplative neuroaesthetics and architecture: A sensorimotor exploration(凝思的神经美学与建筑学:对感觉运动的一次探索)

期刊:Frontiers of Architectural Research

作者:Zakaria Djebbara, Juliet King, Amir Ebadi, Yoshio Nakamura, Julio Bermudez

发表时间:February 2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2023.10.005



建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林

本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ / CSTPCD 收录

Frontiers of Architectural Research(建筑学研究前沿/FoAR)于2月初在线发布了2024年第一期,共12篇文章。本期推送为其中一篇文章的摘要和大纲,内容采用中文表达,方便大家阅读。推文内容不可直接引用。


论 文 题 目

Manuscript Title

Contemplative neuroaesthetics and architecture: A sensorimotor exploration



作 者


Zakaria Djebbara (a)(b)*, Juliet King (c)(d), Amir Ebadi (e), Yoshio Nakamura (f), Julio Bermudez (g)

(a) Department of Architecture, Design, Media, and Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

(b) Biopsychology und Neuroergonomy, Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany

(c) Art Therapy Department, The George Washington University, Washington DC, United States

(d) Department of Neurology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, United States

(e) Dellustration, Washington DC, United States

(f) Pain Research Center, Division of Pain Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Utah, United States

(g) School of Architecture and Planning, The Catholic University of America, Washington DC, United States


论 文 摘 要


This paper takes initial steps towards developing a theoretical framework of contemplative neuroaesthetics through sensorimotor dynamics. We first argue that this new area has been largely omitted from the contemporary research agenda in neuroaesthetics and thus remains a domain of untapped potential. We seek to define this domain to foster a clear and focused investigation of the capacity of the arts and architecture to induce phenomenological states of a contemplative kind. By proposing a sensorimotor account of the experience of architecture, we operationalize how being attuned to architecture can lead to contemplative states. In contrasting the externally-induced methods with internally-induced methods for eliciting a contemplative state of mind, we argue that architecture may spontaneously and effortlessly lead to such states as certain built features naturally resonate with our sensorimotor system. We suggest that becoming sensible of the resonance and attunement process between internal and external states is what creates an occasion for an externally induced contemplative state. Finally, we review neuroscientific studies of architecture, elaborate on the brain regions involved in such aesthetic contemplative responses, provide architectural examples, and point at the contributions that this new area of inquiry may have in fields such as the evidence-based design movement in architecture.



关 键 词


Neurophenomenology / 神经现象学

Neuroaesthetics / 神经美学

Contemplative states / 凝思状态

Architectural experience / 建筑经验

Well-being / 康乐


章 节 标 题

Sections Title

1. Introduction / 引言

2. Defining “contemplative neuroaesthetics” / 定义“凝思的神经美学”

3. Perceiving architecture / 感知建筑

3.1. A sensorimotor approach / 一种感觉运动的研究方法

3.2. Sensing capacities / 感知能力

3.3. Sensible of attunement / 适应的可感觉化

4. Are IN-I techniques compatible with an EX-I approach? / IN-I技术是否与EX-I方法兼容?

4.1. Exemplary cases / 典型案例

5. Empirical insights / 经验主义的见解

6. Conclusion / 结论


主 要 插 图


▲ 图一:凝思的神经美学是以认知神经科学的视角来研究与凝思、实践相关联的美学体验。 © 本文作者

▲ 图二:Rundetårn圆塔(位于根本哈根)的斜坡地面。 © Djebbara (2023拍摄)

▲ 图三:路易斯.康设计的位于美国加州圣迭戈市北郊拉荷亚的索尔克研究所。 © Djebbara (2023拍摄)

▲ 图四:彼得·卒姆托设计的瑞士瓦尔斯温泉。 © Mariano Mantel, Flickr.

▲ 图五:位于法国的沙特尔主教座堂。© King, 2023.


作 者 介 绍

Authors’ Information

Zakaria Djebbara

Assistant Professor

Department of Architecture, Design, Media, and Technology

Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

Zak Djebbara is an assistant professor at Aalborg University focusing on the role of architectural affordances in cognition and behavior by use of mobile EEG, VR, and computational neuroscience. Zak is antidisciplinary and makes use of any method relevant to the research question. Currently investigating how sensorimotor brain dynamics modulate behavior and cognition through rhythms.

Juliet King

Associate Professor

Art Therapy Department, The George Washington University

Washington DC, United States

Juliet L. King (PhDc), ATR-BC, LPC, LMHC is an Associate Professor of Art Therapy at The George Washington University and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Neurology at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Juliet has over two decades as a clinician, administrator, and educator. She developed and implemented the graduate art therapy program at Herron School of Art & Design-IUPUI, where her leadership spearheaded over 30 graduate student internships in the Indianapolis community and throughout the state. She developed and continues to oversee the Art Therapy in Neuroscience and Medicine program at the Indiana University Neuroscience Center which provides clinical support and research activities for people with neurodegenerative disease and trauma. Professor King’s research explores the systematic integration of art therapy and neuroscience with a particular focus on neuroaesthetics and Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI) as instrumentation to explore and test the psychological mechanisms of change in the creative arts therapies. Juliet is pursuing a PhD in Translational Health Sciences and her dissertation research centers on neuroscience-informed art therapy applications in the treatment of psychological trauma. In 2016 she wrote and edited Art Therapy, Neuroscience and Trauma: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives and is currently working on a second edition, set for publication in June 2023.

Amir Ebadi

DDellustration, Washington DC, United States

Yoshio Nakamura

Associate Professor

Pain Research Center, Division of Pain Medicine

Department of Anesthesiology

University of Utah School of Medicine, Utah, United States

I am an Associate professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Utah. As a research psychologist, my research has centered on the intersection of consciousness, emotion and pain, an area critical for understanding mind-body interactions. I studied placebo analgesia (PA) to investigate dynamically unfolding processes in the generation of PA response (R01-NS046230). From 2004 to 2010, I served as Director of the Utah Center for Exploring Mind-Body Interactions (UCEMBI), collaborating with 15 other investigators in various departments at our university. More recently, I have been working to develop and refine an overarching methodological framework useful for investigating underlying theoretical mechanisms by which mindful awareness training works to alleviate symptoms and suffering in patients with wide-ranging medical conditions. I have conducted studies of mindfulness meditation as well as several pilot projects investigating the efficacy of Mind-Body Bridging (MBB). I have been a part of an interdisciplinary and translational research team with diverse expertise in research and clinical areas at the Pain Research Center. My long-term goals are to: 1) facilitate use of awareness training for clinical benefits for patients suffering from multiple chronic conditions and 2) contribute to scientific understanding of consciousness in health and illness.

Julio Bermudez


School of Architecture and Planning

The Catholic University of America

Washington DC, United States

Dr. Bermudez’s interests focus in the relationship between architecture, culture, and spirituality through the lens of phenomenology and neuroscience. He has widely lectured, led symposia, taught, and published in these areas. Current projects include a neuro-phenomenological study of sacred vs. secular architecture (funded by the Templeton Religion Trust) and the forthcoming book “Spirituality in Architectural Education.” He has published two other books: "Transcending Architecture. Contemporary Views on Sacred Space” (CUA Press, 2015) and "Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality" (Ashgate, UK, 2015, co-edited with Thomas Barrie and Phillip Tabb).


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