来源:Frontiers of Architectural Research 发布时间:2024/3/22 13:28:15
FoAR  解读传统生态智慧的关联性文化景观方法:以因纽特人栖息地为例

论文标题:Associative cultural landscape approach to interpreting traditional ecological wisdom: A case of Inuit habitat

期刊:Frontiers of Architectural Research

作者:Peng Zhang, Shuai Li

发表时间:FEB 2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2023.09.008



建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林

本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ / CSTPCD 收录

Frontiers of Architectural Research(建筑学研究前沿/FoAR)于2月初在线发布了2024年第一期,共12篇文章。本期推送为其中一篇文章的摘要和大纲,内容采用中文表达,方便大家阅读。推文内容不可直接引用。


论 文 题 目

Manuscript Title

Associative cultural landscape approach to interpreting traditional ecological wisdom: A case of Inuit habitat



作 者


Peng Zhang*, Shuai Li

Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, China


论 文 摘 要


Global climate change and the accelerated melting of glaciers have raised concerns about the ability to manage ice-snow environments. Historically, human ancestors have mastered the ecological wisdom of working with ice-snow environments, but the phenomenon has not yet been articulated in cultural landscape methodologies that emphasize “nature-culture relevance”. The challenging living environment often compels indigenous people to form a strong bond with their surroundings, leading to the creation of long-term ecological wisdom through synergistic relationships with the environment. This ecological environment is conceptualized as a cognitive space in the form of the landscape, with which the aboriginal community norms and individual spirits continually interact. Such interactions generate numerous non-material cultural evidences, such as culture, art, religion, and other ideological aspects of the nation. These evidences symbolize the intellectual outcome of the relationship between humans and the landscape, and they create the “spiritual relevance” through personification and contextualization. The aim of the study is to explore the traditional ecological wisdom of the Inuit people who live in the harsh Arctic, and analyze the Inuit’s interaction with the landscape through the lens of “associative cultural landscape”, and decode the survival experience that the Inuit have accumulated through their long-term synergy with the Arctic environment. The findings focus on the synergy between the Inuit and the ice-snow landscape, examining the knowledge and ecological wisdom that the Inuit acquire from the ice-snow landscape. Our goal is to develop a perspective of the ecological environment from the viewpoint of aboriginal people and establish a methodology, model, and framework for “associative cultural landscape” that incorporates ethnic non-material cultural evidences. From the results, a total of nine models for interpreting traditional Inuit ecological wisdom are generated based on the “diamond model” of “associative cultural landscape”, covering the transition from the physical landscape to a spiritual one and demonstrating the associative role of the landscape in stimulating potential spiritual cognitive abilities in humans.



关 键 词


Landscape architecture / 风景园林学

Associative cultural landscape / 关联性文化景观

Nature-culture relevance / 自然文化相关性

Cultural landscape / 文化景观

Traditional ecological wisdom / 传统生态智慧

Non-material cultural evidence / 非物质文化证据

Methodology / 方法论

Habitat / 聚居地

Living environment / 生活环境

Ice-snow landscape / 冰雪景观


章 节 标 题

Sections Title

1. Introduction / 引言

1.1. Research background / 研究背景

1.2. Research aim and contribution / 研究目标及贡献

2. Materials and methodology: constructing an approach to interpreting the “spiritual

relevance of landscape” through associative cultural landscape / 研究内容与方法:构建一种通过关联性文化景观解读“景观的精神关联”的途径

2.1. Modelling information / 模型信息

2.2. Traditional lifestyles of the major inuit clans / 因纽特人主要部族的传统生活方式

2.3. Inuit hunting system / 因纽特人的狩猎制度

2.4. Inuit culture / 因纽特文化

2.5. Inuit religious beliefs “animism” / 因纽特人的宗教信仰“万物有灵”

3. Results: the “spiritual relevance of landscape”, a model and framework for the ACL approach to interpreting traditional Inuit ecological wisdom / 研究成果:“与景观的精神关联”是关联性文化景观方法解释传统因纽特生态智慧的模型和框架

3.1. The nine models of ACL “diamond model” / 九个关联性文化景观的“钻石模型”

3.2. A framework of ACL “diamond model” / 关联性文化景观“钻石模型”的基本框架

4. Discussion / 探讨

4.1. The role of ACL / 关联性文化景观的作用

4.2. The approach of ACL / 关联性文化景观的方法

4.3. The application of ACL / 关联性文化景观的应用

5. Conclusions / 结论


主 要 插 图


▲ 图一:ACL Approach: the constructing logic of ACL “Diamond Model” derived from Cultural Landscape “Butterfly Model”。 © 本文作者

▲ 图二:布斯安人的雪屋。 © Ross, 1835

▲ 图三:Early recorded snow-houses: (a) Snow-house of Copper Inuit (Jenness, 1922); (b) Snow-house of Netsilik Inuit (Hall, 1879); (c) Snow-house of Iglulik Inuit (Mathiassen, 1928)。

▲ 图四:Dome snow-house Igloo/Iglu: (a) Snow-house plane; (b) Snow-house function partition; (c) Snow block spiral stacking; (d) Snow-house elevation。 © 本文作者

▲ 图五:Inuit hunter intelligence hierarchy and traditional ecological wisdom model。 © 本文作者

▲ 图六:A framework for Inuit traditional ecological wisdom based on the ACL “Diamond Model”. 。 © 本文作者


作 者 介 绍

Authors’ Information

Peng Zhang

Department of Landscape Architecture

College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

Shanghai, China

Peng Zhang is a lecturer and research assistant. He specializes in Associative Cultural Landscape, Graphic Design, Experimental Psychology, and Aesthetics.

Shuai Li

Department of Landscape Architecture

College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

Shanghai, China

Shuai Li focuses on Cultural Landscape, Rural Landscape, and the Morphology and Typology of Vernacular Landscape Characteristics.


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