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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/3/13 13:46:01

近日,印度Harish-Chandra研究所的Aditi Sen(De)及其研究小组与印度尼赫鲁大学的Rivu Gupta合作并取得一项新进展。经过不懈努力,他们成功产生长程耦合圆波导中的真多模纠缠。相关研究成果已于2024年3月11日在国际知名学术期刊《物理评论A》上发表。





Title: Production of genuine multimode entanglement in circular waveguides with long-range coupling

Author: Tonipe Anuradha, Ayan Patra, Rivu Gupta, Amit Rai, Aditi Sen(De

Issue&Volume: 2024/03/11

Abstract: Starting with a product initial state, squeezed (squeezed coherent) state in one of the modes, and vacuum in the rest, we report that a circular waveguide comprising modes coupled with varying coupling strength is capable of producing genuine multimode entanglement (GME), quantified via the generalized geometric measure (GGM). We demonstrate that, for a fixed coupling and squeezing strength, the GME content of the resulting state increases as the range of couplings between the waveguides increases, although the GGM collapses and revives with the variation of coupling strength and time. The advantage of long-range coupling can be emphasized by measuring the area under the GGM curve, which clearly illustrates growing trends of GME with the increasing range of couplings. Moreover, long-range couplings help in generating a higher GGM for a fixed coupling strength. We analytically determine the exact expression of GGM for systems involving an arbitrary number of modes, when all the modes interact with each other equally. The entire analysis is performed in the phase-space formalism. We manifest the constructive effect of disorder in the coupling parameter, which promises a steady production of GME, independent of the coupling strength.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.032411

Source: https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.109.032411


Physical Review A:《物理评论A》,创刊于1970年。隶属于美国物理学会,最新IF:2.97