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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/2/8 21:28:37

美国哥伦比亚大学Wei Gu小组发现,PHLDA2介导的磷脂酸过氧化反应在肿瘤抑制过程中引发了独特的铁死亡反应。相关论文于2024年2月2日在线发表于国际学术期刊《细胞—代谢》。

通过全基因组CRISPR-Cas9筛选,研究人员发现了一种PHLDA2(pleckstrin homology-likedomain family A member 2)介导的铁死亡途径,它既不依赖于ACSL4,也不需要常见的铁死亡诱导剂。PHLDA2介导的铁死亡反应是在高水平活性氧(ROS)作用下通过磷脂酸(PA)的过氧化作用进行的。




Title: PHLDA2-mediated phosphatidic acid peroxidation triggers a distinct ferroptotic response during tumor suppression

Author: Xin Yang, Zhe Wang, Svetlana N. Samovich, Alexander A. Kapralov, Andrew A. Amoscato, Vladimir A. Tyurin, Haider H. Dar, Zhiming Li, Shoufu Duan, Ning Kon, Delin Chen, Benjamin Tycko, Zhiguo Zhang, Xuejun Jiang, Hülya Bayir, Brent R. Stockwell, Valerian E. Kagan, Wei Gu

Issue&Volume: 2024-02-02

Abstract: Although the role of ferroptosis in killing tumor cells is well established, recentstudies indicate that ferroptosis inducers also sabotage anti-tumor immunity by killingneutrophils and thus unexpectedly stimulate tumor growth, raising a serious issueabout whether ferroptosis effectively suppresses tumor development in vivo. Through genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screenings, we discover a pleckstrin homology-likedomain family A member 2 (PHLDA2)-mediated ferroptosis pathway that is neither ACSL4-dependentnor requires common ferroptosis inducers. PHLDA2-mediated ferroptosis acts throughthe peroxidation of phosphatidic acid (PA) upon high levels of reactive oxygen species(ROS). ROS-induced ferroptosis is critical for tumor growth in the absence of commonferroptosis inducers; strikingly, loss of PHLDA2 abrogates ROS-induced ferroptosisand promotes tumor growth but has no obvious effect in normal tissues in both immunodeficientand immunocompetent mouse tumor models. These data demonstrate that PHLDA2-mediatedPA peroxidation triggers a distinct ferroptosis response critical for tumor suppressionand reveal that PHLDA2-mediated ferroptosis occurs naturally in vivo without any treatment from ferroptosis inducers.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2024.01.006

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(24)00005-6


Cell Metabolism:《细胞—代谢》,创刊于2005年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:31.373