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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/2/21 20:01:09

新加坡国立大学Lu, Jiong团队报了同时存在强相关性和拓扑不稳定性的高度纠缠的多自由基纳米石墨烯。相关研究成果于2024年2月19日发表在《自然—化学》。





Title: Highly entangled polyradical nanographene with coexisting strong correlation and topological frustration

Author: Song, Shaotang, Pinar Sol, Andrs, Matj, Adam, Li, Guangwu, Stetsovych, Oleksandr, Soler, Diego, Yang, Huimin, Telychko, Mykola, Li, Jing, Kumar, Manish, Chen, Qifan, Edalatmanesh, Shayan, Brabec, Jiri, Veis, Libor, Wu, Jishan, Jelinek, Pavel, Lu, Jiong

Issue&Volume: 2024-02-19

Abstract: Open-shell nanographenes exhibit unconventional π-magnetism arising from topological frustration or strong electron–electron interaction. However, conventional design approaches are typically limited to a single magnetic origin, which can restrict the number of correlated spins or the type of magnetic ordering in open-shell nanographenes. Here we present a design strategy that combines topological frustration and electron–electron interactions to fabricate a large fully fused ‘butterfly’-shaped tetraradical nanographene on Au(111). We employ bond-resolved scanning tunnelling microscopy and spin-excitation spectroscopy to resolve the molecular backbone and reveal the strongly correlated open-shell character, respectively. This nanographene contains four unpaired electrons with both ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic interactions, harbouring a many-body singlet ground state and strong multi-spin entanglement, which is well described by many-body calculations. Furthermore, we study the magnetic properties and spin states in the nanographene using a nickelocene magnetic probe. The ability to imprint and characterize many-body strongly correlated spins in polyradical nanographenes paves the way for future advancements in quantum information technologies.

DOI: 10.1038/s41557-024-01453-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-024-01453-9


Nature Chemistry:《自然—化学》,创刊于2009年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:24.274