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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/11/30 16:55:19

德国查塔姆大学Kevin G. Hatala等研究人员发现,早期更新世人类足迹证据揭示运动方式的多样性和共享栖息地的情况。这一研究成果发表在2024年11月29日出版的国际学术期刊《科学》上。





Title: Footprint evidence for locomotor diversity and shared habitats among early Pleistocene hominins

Author: Kevin G. Hatala, Neil T. Roach, Anna K. Behrensmeyer, Peter L. Falkingham, Stephen M. Gatesy, Erin Marie Williams-Hatala, Craig S. Feibel, Ibrae Dalacha, Martin Kirinya, Ezekiel Linga, Richard Loki, Apolo Alkoro, Longaye, Malmalo Longaye, Emmanuel Lonyericho, Iyole Loyapan, Nyiber Nakudo, Cyprian Nyete, Louise N. Leakey

Issue&Volume: 2024-11-29

Abstract: For much of the Pliocene and Pleistocene, multiple hominin species coexisted in the same regions of eastern and southern Africa. Due to the limitations of the skeletal fossil record, questions regarding their interspecific interactions remain unanswered. We report the discovery of footprints (~1.5 million years old) from Koobi Fora, Kenya, that provide the first evidence of two different patterns of Pleistocene hominin bipedalism appearing on the same footprint surface. New analyses show that this is observed repeatedly across multiple contemporaneous sites in the eastern Turkana Basin. These data indicate a sympatric relationship between Homo erectus and Paranthropus boisei, suggesting that lake margin habitats were important to both species and highlighting the possible influence of varying levels of coexistence, competition, and niche partitioning in human evolution.

DOI: ado5275

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ado5275
