Title: Manipulation of High-Fidelity Sidebands under Large Detuning by Floquet Technology: Application to Multi-Mode Cooling
Author:Xue-Ying Yang1, Zi-Dong Lin2, Shu-Ying Mu1, Wei Wu1, Chun-Wang Wu1, Yi Xie1, and Ping-Xing Chen1*
Issue&Volume: 2024-11-11
Abstract: The Floquet technology, a powerful way to manipulate quantum states, is employed to drive sidebands transition under large detuning. Our results demonstrate that high fidelities over 99% can be achieved through optimizing suitable modulation frequencies under large detuning. We observe high-fidelity transitions within a high bandwidth by utilizing a single modulation frequency and reveal that this capability is due to the emergence of a flat-band structure in the bandwidth range. The key finding of high-fidelity sideband manipulation under large detuning is experimentally confirmed in nuclear magnetic resonance platform. Finally, we propose a new parallel sideband cooling scheme that enables simultaneous cooling of multiple motional modes. This approach improves the cooling rate compared to conventional schemes with fixed laser frequency and power, and eliminates the need for mode-specific addressing. Our Floquet parallel scheme is applicable to any harmonic oscillator system and is not limited by bandwidth in theory.
DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/41/11/113702
Source: https://cpl.iphy.ac.cn/10.1088/0256-307X/41/11/113702
Chinese Physics Letters:《中国物理快报》,创刊于1985年。隶属于中国物理学会,最新IF:3.5