英国剑桥大学Steven F. Lee课题组开发出用于生命科学的即时分子取向显微镜。相关论文于2024年10月7日发表在《自然—方法学》杂志上。
Title: POLCAM: instant molecular orientation microscopy for the life sciences
Author: Bruggeman, Ezra, Zhang, Oumeng, Needham, Lisa-Maria, Krbel, Markus, Daly, Sam, Cheetham, Matthew, Peters, Ruby, Wu, Tingting, Klymchenko, Andrey S., Davis, Simon J., Paluch, Ewa K., Klenerman, David, Lew, Matthew D., OHolleran, Kevin, Lee, Steven F.
Issue&Volume: 2024-10-07
Abstract: Current methods for single-molecule orientation localization microscopy (SMOLM) require optical setups and algorithms that can be prohibitively slow and complex, limiting widespread adoption for biological applications. We present POLCAM, a simplified SMOLM method based on polarized detection using a polarization camera, which can be easily implemented on any wide-field fluorescence microscope. To make polarization cameras compatible with single-molecule detection, we developed theory to minimize field-of-view errors, used simulations to optimize experimental design and developed a fast algorithm based on Stokes parameter estimation that can operate over 1,000-fold faster than the state of the art, enabling near-instant determination of molecular anisotropy. To aid in the adoption of POLCAM, we developed open-source image analysis software and a website detailing hardware installation and software use. To illustrate the potential of POLCAM in the life sciences, we applied our method to study α-synuclein fibrils, the actin cytoskeleton of mammalian cells, fibroblast-like cells and the plasma membrane of live human T cells.
DOI: 10.1038/s41592-024-02382-8
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-024-02382-8
Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:47.99