来源:Frontiers of Architectural Research 发布时间:2024/1/5 11:24:44

论文标题:Structural performance of authentic architectural heritage designs: A masonry monument in Western Anatolia(原真性建筑遗产设计中的结构性能——以安纳托利亚西部的砖石古迹为例

期刊:Frontiers of Architectural Research

作者:Hatice Aysegül Demir, Mine Hamamcioglu-Turan, Kutay Yücetürk, Engin Aktas

发表时间:03 Aug 2023

DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2023.08.002



建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林

本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ / CSTPCD 收录

Frontiers of Architectural Research(建筑学研究前沿/FoAR)于12月上旬在线发布了2023年第六期,共14篇文章。本期推送为其中一篇文章的摘要和大纲,内容采用中文表达,方便大家阅读。推文内容不可直接引用。

01 论 文 题 目

Manuscript Title

Structural performance of authentic architectural heritage designs: A masonry monument in Western Anatolia


02 作 者


Hatice Aysegül Demir (a)*, Mine Hamamcioglu-Turan (a), Kutay Yücetürk (b), Engin Aktas (b)

(a) Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, I_zmir Institute of Technology, I_zmir 35433, Turkey

(b) Department of Civil Engineering, I_zmir Institute of Technology, I_zmir 35433, Turkey

03 论 文 摘 要


The aim of the study is to present a multi-leveled comparative evaluation approach for structural characteristics of historic masonry monuments so that the consciousness in their authentic designs is comprehended, and the optimum structural performance is clarified. A case study approach is preferred by the examination of the Bedesten (15th?16th centuries) located in Bergama, I_zmir, Turkey. The structure is documented through tacheometric techniques. The construction techniques of structural elements are mapped. These documented qualities are compared with similar period and/or function structures in order to rank the frequency of construction details. The geometrical factor of safety state is defined theoretically for domes and arches. Finite element macro model of the Bedesten is generated in ANSYS software and overall structural analysis of the structure is made to evaluate the safety level of historic building by the limit states through self-weight analysis. The presented study shows that the rare structural characteristics can both contribute to structural safety and cause vulnerability. Therefore, total consciousness in structural design cannot be stated for the studied Bedesten, but the structural designs that are often preferred in the monuments built at the same period in the proximity to each other have low vulnerability, yielding to conscious preferences.


04 关 键 词


Construction techniques / 施工技术

Architectural heritage / 建筑遗迹

Structural theory of masonry / 砖石结构理论

Numerical analysis / 数值分析

Bergama Bedesten / 贝尔加马的贝德斯坦

05 章 节 标 题

Sections Title

1. Introduction / 引言

2. Materials and methods / 研究内容与方法

3. Bedesten as a building type / 一种建筑类型——贝德斯坦

4. Results / 研究成果

4.1. Context, spatial organisation and facades / 环境、空间组织与建筑立面

4.2. Construction techniques and material usage of Bergama Bedesten / 贝尔加马贝德斯坦的施工技术与建筑材料的使用

4.2.1. Spanning elements

4.2.2. Transition elements

4.2.3. Vertical elements

4.2.4. Floor

4.2.5. Architectural elements

4.3. Comparative study / 比较研究

4.3.1. Spatial qualities / 空间特性

4.3.2. Structural qualities / 结构特性

5. Discussion / 探讨

6. Conclusions / 结论

06 主 要 插 图


▲ 图一:案例研究:贝尔加马贝德斯坦。© 本文作者

▲ 图二:Macro model of Bergama Bedesten with assigned material parameters。© 本文作者

▲ 图三:从西北(a)、西南(b)、东南(c)和东北(d)四个角度看Bergama Bedesten,平面图(中)。© 本文作者

▲ 图四:Bergama Bedesten 的西剖面图。© 本文作者

▲ 图五:Spanning and transition elements of Bergama Bedesten。© 本文作者

07 作 者 介 绍

Authors Information

Hatice Ay?egül Demir

Research Assistant

Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

I_zmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Mine Hamamc?o?lu-Turan

Faculty Member

Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

I_zmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Current research interests: documentation, restoration and conservation of historic structures, archiving of conservation data, historic structural systems, preservation of historic urban environment and cultural landscapes

Kutay Yücetürk

Current Staff

Department of Civil Engineering

I_zmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Engin Akta?


Department of Civil Engineering

I_zmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

SheResearch interests: Safety and Reliability in Structural Engineering, Structural Health Monitoring based Structural Reliability Analysis, Reliability Based Cost Optimization, Reliability Based Structural Design Code Calibration, Reliability Based Assessment of Existing Structures, Historical Structures, Computational Mechanics, Composite Structures, Earthquake Engineering, Non-Destructive Evaluation Methods for Buildings, Modal Testing.

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