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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/1/13 14:23:04

荷兰自然生物多样性中心Renato A. F. de Lima的课题组宣布,他们最新的综合保护评估显示,大西洋森林树木的灭绝风险很高。这一研究成果发表在2024年1月12日出版的国际学术期刊《科学》上。





Title: Comprehensive conservation assessments reveal high extinction risks across Atlantic Forest trees

Author: Renato A. F. de Lima, Gilles Dauby, André L. de Gasper, Eduardo P. Fernandez, Alexander C. Vibrans, Alexandre A. de Oliveira, Paulo I. Prado, Vinícius C. Souza, Marinez F. de Siqueira, Hans ter Steege

Issue&Volume: 2024-01-12

Abstract: Biodiversity is declining globally, yet many biodiversity hotspots still lack comprehensive species conservation assessments. Using multiple International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List criteria to evaluate extinction risks and millions of herbarium and forest inventory records, we present automated conservation assessments for all tree species of the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot, including ~1100 heretofore unassessed species. About 65% of all species and 82% of endemic species are classified as threatened. We rediscovered five species classified as Extinct on the IUCN Red List and identified 13 endemics as possibly extinct. Uncertainties in species information had little influence on the assessments, but using fewer Red List criteria severely underestimated threat levels. We suggest that the conservation status of tropical forests worldwide is worse than previously reported.

DOI: abq5099

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abq5099
