美国普渡大学Leifu Chang研究小组揭示I-B型CRISPR效应器招募Tn7样转座子的分子机制。2023年8月8日,国际知名学术期刊《细胞》在线发表了这一成果。
研究人员展示了由Cascade复合物、TniQ、TnsC和来自Peltigera membranacea cyanobiont 210A的I-B型CAST中的靶标DNA组成的招募复合物冷冻电镜结构。Cascade对靶标DNA的识别会诱导Cas6发生构象变化,并通过其C端结构域启动TniQ的招募。TniQ的N端结构域与TnsC螺旋七聚体的接缝区域结合。这项发现让人们深入了解了Tn7样转座子招募到CRISPR效应器的不同机制,并将有助于开发CAST作为基因敲除工具。
Title: Molecular mechanism for Tn7-like transposon recruitment by a type I-B CRISPR effector
Author: Shukun Wang, Clinton Gabel, Romana Siddique, Thomas Klose, Leifu Chang
Issue&Volume: 2023-08-08
Abstract: Tn7-like transposons have co-opted CRISPR-Cas systems to facilitate the movement oftheir own DNA. These CRISPR-associated transposons (CASTs) are promising tools forprogrammable gene knockin. A key feature of CASTs is their ability to recruit Tn7-liketransposons to nuclease-deficient CRISPR effectors. However, how Tn7-like transposonsare recruited by diverse CRISPR effectors remains poorly understood. Here, we presentthe cryo-EM structure of a recruitment complex comprising the Cascade complex, TniQ,TnsC, and the target DNA in the type I-B CAST from Peltigera membranacea cyanobiont 210A. Target DNA recognition by Cascade induces conformational changes in Cas6 and primesTniQ recruitment through its C-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain of TniQ is boundto the seam region of the TnsC spiral heptamer. Our findings provide insights intothe diverse mechanisms for the recruitment of Tn7-like transposons to CRISPR effectorsand will aid in the development of CASTs as gene knockin tools.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.07.010
Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(23)00743-2