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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/7/13 14:43:54

美国哥伦比亚大学欧文医学中心Donna L. Farber团队近期取得重要工作进展,他们研究发现婴儿期和儿童期人类组织驻留记忆T细胞的位点特异性发育和逐渐成熟。相关研究成果2023年7月7日在线发表于《免疫》杂志上。





Title: Site-specific development and progressive maturation of human tissue-resident memory T cells over infancy and childhood

Author: Thomas J. Connors, Rei Matsumoto, Shivali Verma, Peter A. Szabo, Rebecca Guyer, Joshua Gray, Zicheng Wang, Puspa Thapa, Pranay Dogra, Maya M.L. Poon, Ksenia Rybkina, Marissa C. Bradley, Emma Idzikowski, James McNichols, Masaru Kubota, Kalpana Pethe, Yufeng Shen, Mark A. Atkinson, Maigan Brusko, Todd M. Brusko, Andrew J. Yates, Peter A. Sims, Donna L. Farber

Issue&Volume: 2023-07-07

Abstract: Infancy and childhood are critical life stages for generating immune memory to protectagainst pathogens; however, the timing, location, and pathways for memory developmentin humans remain elusive. Here, we investigated T cells in mucosal sites, lymphoidtissues, and blood from 96 pediatric donors aged 0–10 years using phenotypic, functional,and transcriptomic profiling. Our results revealed that memory T cells preferentiallylocalized in the intestines and lungs during infancy and accumulated more rapidlyin mucosal sites compared with blood and lymphoid organs, consistent with site-specificantigen exposure. Early life mucosal memory T cells exhibit distinct functional capacitiesand stem-like transcriptional profiles. In later childhood, they progressively adoptproinflammatory functions and tissue-resident signatures, coincident with increasedT cell receptor (TCR) clonal expansion in mucosal and lymphoid sites. Together, ourfindings identify staged development of memory T cells targeted to tissues duringthe formative years, informing how we might promote and monitor immunity in children.

DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.06.008

Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(23)00265-0

