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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/5/31 10:07:10

美国莱斯大学Keller, Duncan S.课题组研究大火成岩省火山活动和俯冲铁质地层之间的联系取得新进展。该研究于2023年5月25日发表于国际一流学术期刊《自然—地球科学》杂志上。




Title: Links between large igneous province volcanism and subducted iron formations

Author: Keller, Duncan S., Tassara, Santiago, Robbins, Leslie J., Lee, Cin-Ty A., Ague, Jay J., Dasgupta, Rajdeep

Issue&Volume: 2023-05-25

Abstract: Large igneous province volcanism represents extensive mantle melting that has contributed to Earth’s chemical differentiation and lithospheric and climatic changes. Compositional heterogeneities in the mantle, such as accumulated recycled crust, may make key contributions to large igneous province activity. One class of rocks capable of producing distinctive mantle heterogeneities is the iron formations, uniquely dense Fe-rich sedimentary rocks formed in Earth’s early oceans. Although numerous iron formations were preserved on continents, with some becoming major Fe ore deposits, large amounts of iron formations may also have been recycled into the mantle, with uncertain consequences. Here we use statistical analysis of time series to show that from 3,200 to 1,000Myr ago, most iron formation deposition ages are correlated with large igneous province activity 241±15 Myr later, and that these events are coupled on long timescales. Linking observations from tectonics, geodynamics, mineral physics and seismology studies, we hypothesize that dense accumulations of subducted iron formations can form highly conductive Fe-rich zones in the lowermost mantle and facilitate the formation of thermal anomalies that produce mantle plume upwellings, and, ultimately, large igneous provinces. Although uncertainties remain regarding the precise nature of Archaean and Proterozoic convergent tectonics, facilitation of large igneous province activity by subducted iron formations would link Earth’s ocean chemistry to the pace of heat flow, crustal production and chemical differentiation.

DOI: 10.1038/s41561-023-01188-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-023-01188-1

Nature Geoscience:《自然—地球科学》,创刊于2008年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:21.531