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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/3/7 13:52:55





Title: Linking chromatin acylation mark-defined proteome and genome in living cells

Author: Fangfei Qin, Boyuan Li, Hui Wang, Sihui Ma, Jiaofeng Li, Shanglin Liu, Linghao Kong, Huangtao Zheng, Rongfeng Zhu, Yu Han, Mingdong Yang, Kai Li, Xiong Ji, Peng R. Chen

Issue&Volume: 2023/03/02

Abstract: A generalizable strategy with programmable site specificity for in situ profiling of histone modifications on unperturbed chromatin remains highly desirablebut challenging. We herein developed a single-site-resolved multi-omics (SiTomics)strategy for systematic mapping of dynamic modifications and subsequent profilingof chromatinized proteome and genome defined by specific chromatin acylations in livingcells. By leveraging the genetic code expansion strategy, our SiTomics toolkit revealeddistinct crotonylation (e.g., H3K56cr) and β-hydroxybutyrylation (e.g., H3K56bhb) upon short chain fatty acids stimulation andestablished linkages for chromatin acylation mark-defined proteome, genome, and functions.This led to the identification of GLYR1 as a distinct interacting protein in modulatingH3K56cr′s gene body localization as well as the discovery of an elevated super-enhancerrepertoire underlying bhb-mediated chromatin modulations. SiTomics offers a platformtechnology for elucidating the “metabolites-modification-regulation” axis, which iswidely applicable for multi-omics profiling and functional dissection of modificationsbeyond acylations and proteins beyond histones.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.02.007

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(23)00109-5
