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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/3/24 10:53:57

德国慕尼黑工业大学Bernhard Kuster研究组通过剂量和时间分辨的蛋白质组学解密出药物作用和蛋白质修饰。2023年3月16日,《科学》杂志在线发表了这项成果。




Title: Decrypting drug actions and protein modifications by dose- and time-resolved proteomics

Author: Jana Zecha, Florian P. Bayer, Svenja Wiechmann, Julia Woortman, Nicola Berner, Julian Müller, Annika Schneider, Karl Kramer, Mar Abril-Gil, Thomas Hopf, Leonie Reichart, Lin Chen, Fynn M. Hansen, Severin Lechner, Patroklos Samaras, Stephan Eckert, Ludwig Lautenbacher, Maria Reinecke, Firas Hamood, Polina Prokofeva, Larsen Vornholz, Chiara Falcomatà, Madeleine Dorsch, Ayla Schrder, Anton Venhuizen, Stephanie Wilhelm, Guillaume Médard, Gabriele Stoehr, Jürgen Ruland, Barbara M. Grüner, Dieter Saur, Maike Buchner, Benjamin Ruprecht, Hannes Hahne, Matthew The, Mathias Wilhelm, Bernhard Kuster

Issue&Volume: 2023-03-16

Abstract: Although most cancer drugs modulate the activities of cellular pathways by changing post-translational modifications (PTMs), surprisingly little is known regarding the extent and the time- and dose-response characteristics of drug-regulated PTMs. Here, we introduce a proteomic assay termed decryptM that quantifies drug-PTM modulation for thousands of PTMs in cells to shed light on target engagement and drug mechanism of action (MoA). Examples range from detecting DNA damage by chemotherapeutics, to identifying drug-specific PTM signatures of kinase inhibitors, to demonstrating that rituximab kills CD20-positive B-cells by over-activating B cell receptor signaling. DecryptM profiling of 31 cancer drugs in 13 cell lines demonstrates the broad applicability of the approach. The resulting 1.8 million dose-response curves are provided as an interactive molecular resource in ProteomicsDB.

DOI: ade3925

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ade3925
