Title: Rhodium catalyzed tunable amide homologation through a hook-and-slide strategy
Author: Rui Zhang, Tingting Yu, Guangbin Dong
Issue&Volume: 2023-11-24
Abstract: Preparation of diverse homologs from lead compounds has been a common and important practice in medicinal chemistry. However, homologation of carboxylic acid derivatives, particularly amides, remains challenging. Here we report a hook-and-slide strategy for homologation of tertiary amides with tunable lengths of the inserted carbon chain. Alkylation at the α-position of the amide (hook) is followed by highly selective branched-to-linear isomerization (slide) to effect amide migration to the end of the newly introduced alkyl chain; thus, the choice of alkylation reagent sets the homologation length. The key step involves a carbon-carbon bond activation process by a carbene-coordinated rhodium complex with assistance from a removable directing group. The approach is demonstrated for introduction of chains as long as 16 carbons and is applicable to derivatized carboxylic acids in complex bioactive molecules.
DOI: adk1001
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk1001