Title: Palladium catalysis enables cross-coupling–like SN2-glycosylation of phenols
Author: Li-Fan Deng, Yingwei Wang, Shiyang Xu, Ao Shen, Hangping Zhu, Siyu Zhang, Xia Zhang, Dawen Niu
Issue&Volume: 2023-11-24
Abstract: Despite their importance in life and material sciences, the efficient construction of stereo-defined glycosides remains a challenge. Studies of carbohydrate functions would be advanced if glycosylation methods were as reliable and modular as palladium (Pd)-catalyzed cross-coupling. However, Pd-catalysis excels in forming sp2-hybridized carbon centers whereas glycosylation mostly builds sp3-hybridized C–O linkages. We report a glycosylation platform through Pd-catalyzed SN2 displacement from phenols toward bench-stable, aryl-iodide–containing glycosyl sulfides. The key Pd(II) oxidative addition intermediate diverges from an arylating agent (Csp2 electrophile) to a glycosylating agent (Csp3 electrophile). This method inherits many merits of cross-coupling reactions, including operational simplicity and functional group tolerance. It preserves the SN2 mechanism for various substrates and is amenable to late-stage glycosylation of commercial drugs and natural products.
DOI: adk1111
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk1111