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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/7/28 16:12:06

复旦大学施章杰团队报道了(n-Bu) 4nbr促进N2裂解成氮化钼。相关研究成果于2022年7月26日发表在《美国化学会杂志》。




Title: (n-Bu)4NBr-Promoted N2 Splitting to Molybdenum Nitride

Author: Dan-Dan Zhai, Shuo-Qing Zhang, Si-Jun Xie, Rong-Kai Wu, Feng Liu, Zhen-Feng Xi, Xin Hong, Zhang-Jie Shi

Issue&Volume: July 26, 2022

Abstract: Splitting of N2 via six-electron reduction and further functionalization to value-added products is one of the most important and challenging chemical transformations in N2 fixation. However, most N2 splitting approaches rely on strong chemical or electrochemical reduction to generate highly reactive metal species to bind and activate N2, which is often incompatible with functionalizing agents. Catalytic and sustainable N2 splitting to produce metal nitrides under mild conditions may create efficient and straightforward methods for N-containing organic compounds. Herein, we present that a readily available and nonredox (n-Bu)4NBr can promote N2-splitting with a Mo(III) platform. Both experimental and theoretical mechanistic studies suggest that simple X– (X = Br, Cl, etc.) anions could induce the disproportionation of MoIII[N(TMS)Ar]3 at the early stage of the catalysis to generate a catalytically active {MoII[N(TMS)Ar]3} species. The quintet MoII species prove to be more favorable for N2 fixation kinetically and thermodynamically, compared with the quartet MoIII counterpart. Especially, computational studies reveal a distinct heterovalent {MoII–N2–MoIII} dimeric intermediate for the N≡N triple bond cleavage.

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c01507

Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.2c01507


