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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/5/29 13:43:23

兰州大学Bing Han小组近日在有机合成研究中取得一项新成果。经过不懈努力,他们通过自由基介导的烷氧膦重排实现了未活化烯烃的区域选择性氟烷基磷酸化。该项研究成果发表在2022年5月20日出版的《德国应用化学》上。




Title: Regioselective Fluoroalkylphosphorylation of Unactivated Alkenes by Radical–Mediated Alkoxyphosphine Rearrangement

Author: Dong-Tai Xie, Hong-Lei Chen, Dian Wei, Bang-Yi Wei, Zheng-Hu Li, Jian-Wu Zhang, Wei Yu, Bing Han

Issue&Volume: 2022-05-20

Abstract: A novel distal radical rearrangement of alkoxyphosphine is developed for the first time and applied to the regioselective radical fluoroalkylphosphorylation of unactivated olefins. By employing a one-pot two-step reaction of (bis)homoallylic alcohols,organophosphine chlorides, and fluoroalkyl iodides under CFL (compact fluorescence light) irradiation, a series of fluoroalkyl-phosphorylated alkyl iodides and alcohols are easily synthesized by regiospecific installing a phosphonyl onto the inner carbon of terminal olefins and further iodination/hydroxylation. Mechanism studies reveal that the migration undergoes a distinctive radical cyclization/β-scission on the lone electron pair of phosphorous, resulting in the C-P bond formation and C-O bond cleavage.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202203398

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202203398


Angewandte Chemie:《德国应用化学》,创刊于1887年。隶属于德国化学会,最新IF:12.959