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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/4/24 14:18:27

澳大利亚悉尼科技大学Justin R. Seymour、Jean-Baptiste Raina等研究人员合作发现,趋化作用塑造海洋微生物组的微观组织。该研究于2022年4月20日在线发表于国际一流学术期刊《自然》。





Title: Chemotaxis shapes the microscale organization of the ocean’s microbiome

Author: Raina, Jean-Baptiste, Lambert, Bennett S., Parks, Donovan H., Rinke, Christian, Siboni, Nachshon, Bramucci, Anna, Ostrowski, Martin, Signal, Brandon, Lutz, Adrian, Mendis, Himasha, Rubino, Francesco, Fernandez, Vicente I., Stocker, Roman, Hugenholtz, Philip, Tyson, Gene W., Seymour, Justin R.

Issue&Volume: 2022-04-20

Abstract: The capacity of planktonic marine microorganisms to actively seek out and exploit microscale chemical hotspots has been widely theorized to affect ocean-basin scale biogeochemistry1,2,3, but has never been examined comprehensively in situ among natural microbial communities. Here, using a field-based microfluidic platform to quantify the behavioural responses of marine bacteria and archaea, we observed significant levels of chemotaxis towards microscale hotspots of phytoplankton-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) at a coastal field site across multiple deployments, spanning several months. Microscale metagenomics revealed that a wide diversity of marine prokaryotes, spanning 27 bacterial and 2 archaeal phyla, displayed chemotaxis towards microscale patches of DOM derived from ten globally distributed phytoplankton species. The distinct DOM composition of each phytoplankton species attracted phylogenetically and functionally discrete populations of bacteria and archaea, with 54% of chemotactic prokaryotes displaying highly specific responses to the DOM derived from only one or two phytoplankton species. Prokaryotes exhibiting chemotaxis towards phytoplankton-derived compounds were significantly enriched in the capacity to transport and metabolize specific phytoplankton-derived chemicals, and displayed enrichment in functions conducive to symbiotic relationships, including genes involved in the production of siderophores, B vitamins and growth-promoting hormones. Our findings demonstrate that the swimming behaviour of natural prokaryotic assemblages is governed by specific chemical cues, which dictate important biogeochemical transformation processes and the establishment of ecological interactions that structure the base of the marine food web.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04614-3

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04614-3

