来源:Protein Cell 发布时间:2022/11/11 14:57:41
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论文标题:Protein & Cell Issue 10 of 2022 is released!

期刊:Protein Cell


COVER STORY: Understanding the regulatory networks for germ cell fate specification is necessary to developing strategies for improving the efficiency of germ cell production in vitro. Shi et al. developed a coupled screening strategy that took advantage of an arrayed BiFC platform for protein-protein interaction screens and EpiLC-induction assays using reporter mESCs. Investigation of candidate interaction partners of core human pluripotent factors OCT4, NANOG, KLF4 and SOX2 in EpiLC differentiation assays identified novel primordial germ cell (PGC)-inducing factors including BEN-domain (BEND/ Bend) family members. Through RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, and ATAC-seq analyses, the authors showed that Bend5 worked together with Bend4 and helped mark chromatin boundaries to promote EpiLC induction in vitro. These suggest that BEND/Bend proteins represent a new family of transcriptional modulators and chromatin boundary factors that participate in gene expression regulation during early germline development.


Darwinian rebel: The legacy of Loh-Seng Tsai—Chinese animal psychologist

Yong Wang, Wei Chen, Shiying Li, Bin Yin


New pathogenic insights from large animal models of neurodegenerative diseases

Peng Yin, Shihua Li, Xiao-Jiang Li, Weili Yang

Research Articles

Bend family proteins mark chromatin boundaries and synergistically promote early germ cell differentiation

Guang Shi, Yaofu Bai, Xiya Zhang, Junfeng Su, Junjie Pang, Quanyuan He, Pengguihang Zeng, Junjun Ding, Yuanyan Xiong, Jingran Zhang, Jingwen Wang, Dan Liu, Wenbin Ma, Junjiu Huang, Zhou Songyang

Unveiling E2F4, TEAD1 and AP-1 as regulatory transcription factors of the replicative senescence program by multi-omics analysis

Yuting Wang, Liping Liu, Yifan Song, Xiaojie Yu, Hongkui Deng

8 Å structure of the outer rings of the Xenopus laevis nuclear pore complex obtained by cryo-EM and AI

Linhua Tai, Yun Zhu, He Ren, Xiaojun Huang, Chuanmao Zhang, Fei Sun

Contact us: protein_cell@mail.biols.ac.cn






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