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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/11/6 19:42:41

美国耶鲁大学Vincent A. Pieribone等研究人员合作实现多个神经元类型同步动态的双极性电压成像。2022年11月4日,国际知名学术期刊《科学》发表了这一成果。





Title: Dual-polarity voltage imaging of the concurrent dynamics of multiple neuron types

Author: Madhuvanthi Kannan, Ganesh Vasan, Simon Haziza, Cheng Huang, Radosaw Chrapkiewicz, Junjie Luo, Jessica A. Cardin, Mark J. Schnitzer, Vincent A. Pieribone

Issue&Volume: 2022-11-04

Abstract: Genetically encoded fluorescent voltage indicators are ideally suited to reveal the millisecond-scale interactions among and between targeted cell populations. However, current indicators lack the requisite sensitivity for in vivo multipopulation imaging. We describe next-generation green and red voltage sensors, Ace-mNeon2 and VARNAM2, and their reverse response-polarity variants pAce and pAceR. Our indicators enable 0.4- to 1-kilohertz voltage recordings from >50 spiking neurons per field of view in awake mice and ~30-minute continuous imaging in flies. Using dual-polarity multiplexed imaging, we uncovered brain state–dependent antagonism between neocortical somatostatin-expressing (SST+) and vasoactive intestinal peptide–expressing (VIP+) interneurons and contributions to hippocampal field potentials from cell ensembles with distinct axonal projections. By combining three mutually compatible indicators, we performed simultaneous triple-population imaging. These approaches will empower investigations of the dynamic interplay between neuronal subclasses at single-spike resolution.

DOI: abm8797

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm8797

