来源:科学网 发布时间:2025/3/21 14:15:36










北京时间2025年3月21日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第219期将在iCANX平台上线!本期我们邀请到了东南大学首席教授陈云飞作为主讲嘉宾,西南交通大学教授王杨、香港科技大学(广州)助理教授訾云龙、中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所张弛中担任研讨嘉宾,北京大学教授张海霞担任主持人。



Yunfei Chen


The origin of friction and its prediction


Friction is everywhere; one-third of global non-renewable energy is consumed by friction, and 80% of equipment failures are caused by wear. The study of friction can be traced back to the Renaissance period with figures like Leonardo da Vinci. Over time, people have proposed the laws of friction, the Prandtl-Tomson model, the rate-and-state friction model, and their modified versions. Due to the complexity of interfaces, it has always been impossible to derive a formula for friction force from first principles. Therefore, all current models of friction are phenomenological and are only suitable for explaining frictional phenomena but cannot predict friction force. The microscopic mechanism of heat generation from friction remains unclear. This presentation will introduce how our research group discovered frictional phonons and derived a formula for calculating friction force from first principles. The specific contents include: (1) Innovative theoretical modeling methods and experimental systems for friction, discovering that the frequencies of frictional-excited phonons are concentrated at the washboard frequency and its harmonics, and for the first time internationally, quantitatively revealing the microscopic mechanism of heat generation from friction; (2) Based on the discovery of frictional phonons, starting from Newton’s laws and Hooke’s law, we derived that frictional damping is proportional to the vibration velocity of the object, thus, for the first time internationally, deriving a formula for calculating friction force from first principles; (3) Starting from condensed matter physics many-body theory, using the atomic Green’s function method, we created a frictional energy dissipation theoretical framework based on phonons, which for the first time internationally, accurately predicted friction force, friction-induced vibrations, and noise, laying the theoretical foundation for active control of friction, vibration, and noise.




Chen Yunfei, Chief Professor at Southeast University, recipient of the National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund, and Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education’s Changjiang Scholars Program. Research areas: Tribology, Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics. Chen Yunfei pioneered the direct observation method for friction-induced phonons, discovering that the frequencies of frictional phonons are concentrated at the washboard frequency and its harmonics, quantitatively revealing the microscopic mechanism of heat generation from friction. Based on first-principles, he derived that frictional damping is proportional to the oscillation speed of the object and created a phonon-based theoretical framework for frictional energy dissipation, achieving for the first time internationally an accurate prediction of friction force, friction-induced vibrations, and noise. His series of research findings have been published in prestigious journals such as Nature, Science,Nature Communications, PRL, PNAS, and JACS. As the first author, he has received the National Natural Science Award (Second Class) and the Ministry of Education Natural Science Award (First Class). 

陈云飞,东南大学首席教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者、教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授。研究领域:摩擦学、传热学、流体动力学。陈云飞开创了直接观察摩擦激励声子的方法,发现摩擦激励声子频率集中在搓板频率及其倍频,定量揭示了摩擦生热的微观机理;基于第一性原理推导出摩擦阻尼正比于物体的振动速度,创建了基于声子的摩擦耗能理论体系,在国际上首次实现对摩擦力、摩擦诱导振动和噪声的准确预测。系列研究成果发表在Nature,Science, Nature Communication, PRL, PNAS, JACS等期刊,作为第一完成人获得国家自然科学二等奖1项,教育部自然科学一等奖1项。

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