作者:李言 来源:科学网微信公众号 发布时间:2024/3/16 20:33:46


编译 | 李言

Nature, 14 March 2024, Volume 627 Issue 8003



A dynamical measure of the black hole mass in a quasar 11 billion years ago


▲ 作者:R. Abuter, F. Allouche et al.

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们通过空间解析宽线区域(BLR),报告了一个在红移为2的发光类星体中回顾了110亿年前的黑洞质量的动态测量。我们在Hα线的红色和蓝色的光圈之间检测出一个40微弧秒(0.31 pc)的空间偏移,它跟踪了旋转BLR的速度梯度。


▲ Abstract:

Here we report a dynamical measurement of the mass of the black hole in a luminous quasar at a redshift of 2, with a look back in time of 11?billion years, by spatially resolving the broad-line region (BLR). We detect a 40-μas (0.31-pc) spatial offset between the red and blue photocentres of the Hα line that traces the velocity gradient of a rotating BLR. The flux and differential phase spectra are well reproduced by a thick, moderately inclined disk of gas clouds within the sphere of influence of a central black hole with a mass of 3.2?×?108?solar masses. Molecular gas data reveal a dynamical mass for the host galaxy of 6?×?1011?solar masses, which indicates an undermassive black hole accreting at a super-Eddington rate. This suggests a host galaxy that grew faster than the SMBH, indicating a delay between galaxy and black hole formation for some systems.

Buoyant crystals halt the cooling of white dwarf stars


▲ 作者:Antoine Bédard, Simon Blouin & Sihao Cheng  (程思浩)

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▲ 摘要:



▲ Abstract:

Here we show that distillation interrupts the cooling for billions of years and explains all the observational properties of the unusual delayed population. With a steady luminosity surpassing that of some main-sequence stars, these white dwarfs defy their conventional portrayal as dead stars. Our results highlight the existence of peculiar merger remnants and have profound implications for the use of white dwarfs in dating stellar populations.


Genomic data in the All of Us Research Program


▲ 作者:The All of Us Research Program Genomics Investigators

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▲ 摘要:



摘要级数据是公开的,个人级数据可以由研究人员通过All of Us Researcher Workbench访问,使用独特的数据护照模型,从最初的研究人员注册到数据访问的中位数时间为29小时。我们预计,这个多样化的数据集将为所有人推进基因组医学研究前景。

▲ Abstract:

Here we describe the programme’s genomics data release of 245,388 clinical-grade genome sequences. This resource is unique in its diversity as 77% of participants are from communities that are historically under-represented in biomedical research and 46% are individuals from under-represented racial and ethnic minorities. All of Us identified more than 1?billion genetic variants, including more than 275?million previously unreported genetic variants, more than 3.9?million of which had coding consequences. Leveraging linkage between genomic data and the longitudinal electronic health record, we evaluated 3,724 genetic variants associated with 117 diseases and found high replication rates across both participants of European ancestry and participants of African ancestry. Summary-level data are publicly available, and individual-level data can be accessed by researchers through the All of Us Researcher Workbench using a unique data passport model with a median time from initial researcher registration to data access of 29?hours. We anticipate that this diverse dataset will advance the promise of genomic medicine for all.

气候科学Climate Science

Drought triggers and sustains overnight fires in North America


▲ 作者:Kaiwei Luo, Xianli Wang, Mark de Jong & Mike Flannigan

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▲ 摘要:



▲ Abstract:

Here we demonstrate that drought conditions promote overnight burning, which is a key mechanism fostering large active fires. We examined the hourly diurnal cycle of 23,557 fires and identified 1,095 overnight burning events (OBEs, each defined as a night when a fire burned through the night) in North America during 2017–2020 using geostationary satellite data and terrestrial fire records. A total of 99% of OBEs were associated with large fires (>1,000?ha) and at least one OBE was identified in 20% of these large fires. OBEs were early onset after ignition and OBE frequency was positively correlated with fire size. Although warming is weakening the climatological barrier to night-time fires, we found that the main driver of recent OBEs in large fires was the accumulated fuel dryness and availability (that is, drought conditions), which tended to lead to consecutive OBEs in a single wildfire for several days and even weeks. Critically, we show that daytime drought indicators can predict whether an OBE will occur the following night, which could facilitate early detection and management of night-time fires. 

能源科学Energy Science

US oil and gas system emissions from nearly one million aerial site measurements


▲ 作者:Evan D. Sherwin, Jeffrey S. Rutherford et al.

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▲ 摘要:

我们将大约100万次空中现场测量数据整合到美国六个地区的区域排放清单中,这些地区包括了15次空中区域中52%的陆上石油和29%的天然气产量。我们为每一个构建完整的排放分布,采用经验为基础的模拟来估计少量排放情况。估计的总排放量范围从高产、富气地区天然气产量的0.75%(95% CI ?0.65%, 0.84%)到快速扩张、石油集中地区的9.63%(95% CI 9.04%, 10.39%)。

六个地区的加权平均值为2.95% (95% CI 2.79%, 3.14%),约为政府库存估计值的三倍。在15次调查中,只有的11次的调查中0.05%—1.66%的井场贡献了大部分井场排放量(50%—79%)。包括管道在内的附属中游设施贡献了估计区域排放量的18%—57%,同样集中在少数点源。这里量化的排放加起来,每年损失约10亿美元的商业天然气价值,每年造成93亿美元的社会成本。

▲ Abstract:

We integrate approximately one million aerial site measurements into regional emissions inventories for six regions in the USA, comprising 52% of onshore oil and 29% of gas production over 15?aerial campaigns. We construct complete emissions distributions for each, employing empirically grounded simulations to estimate small emissions. Total estimated emissions range from 0.75% (95% confidence interval (CI)?0.65%, 0.84%) of covered natural gas production in a high-productivity, gas-rich region to 9.63% (95% CI 9.04%, 10.39%) in a rapidly expanding, oil-focused region. The six-region weighted average is 2.95% (95% CI 2.79%, 3.14%), or roughly three times the national government inventory estimate. Only 0.05–1.66% of well sites contribute the majority (50–79%) of well site emissions in 11 out of 15?surveys. Ancillary midstream facilities, including pipelines, contribute 18–57% of estimated regional emissions, similarly concentrated in a small number of point sources. Together, the emissions quantified here represent an annual loss of roughly US$1?billion in commercial gas value and a US$9.3?billion annual social cost. 

地球科学Earth science

Mutualisms weaken the latitudinal diversity gradient among oceanic islands


▲ 作者:Camille S. Delavaux, Thomas W. Crowther et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Here we use a unique global dataset to show that vascular plants on oceanic islands exhibit a weakened LDG and explore potential mechanisms for this effect. Our results show that traditional physical drivers of island biogeography—namely area and isolation—contribute to the difference between island and mainland diversity at a given latitude (that is, the island species deficit), as smaller and more distant islands experience reduced colonization. However, plant species with mutualists are underrepresented on islands, and we find that this plant mutualism filter explains more variation in the island species deficit than abiotic factors. In particular, plant species that require animal pollinators or microbial mutualists such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi contribute disproportionately to the island species deficit near the Equator, with contributions decreasing with distance from the Equator. Plant mutualist filters on species richness are particularly strong at low absolute latitudes where mainland richness is highest, weakening the LDG of oceanic islands. 

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