来源:科学网 发布时间:2024/3/8 17:24:50









北京时间2024年3月8日晚八点,恰逢妇女节,iCANX Talks 第176期邀请到了哈尔滨工业大学田艳红教授,北卡罗来纳州立大学Veronica Augustyn教授,天津大学刘秀云教授、美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校石玲燕教授进行分享,澳大利亚国立大学Lan Fu教授,北京大学张海霞教授担任主持人,我们诚挚地邀请您加入这场知识的盛宴。


Yanhong Tian


Micro-Nano Scale Interconnection Builds Bridges from Chips to Devices


Electronic products are developing towards miniaturization, versatility, low power dissipation, high bandwidth, high speed, and high frequency. The demand for high density advanced packaging is increasingly strong, and the advanced packaging has been applied to important fields such as 5G, aviation, aerospace, and AI. Micro-nano interconnection is a key process in chip packaging, serving as a bridge from chips to components and systems, playing a role in electrical interconnection, mechanical fixation, and environmental protection. Every advancement in advanced chip packaging technology benefits from the development of micro-nano interconnection technology. This report will first introduce interconnection technologies in advanced packages including three-dimensional system packages and chiplets packages. Secondly, the life assessment methods of electronic packaging interconnection will be introduced, including multiple scale modeling and life assessment methods.Finally, a brief introduction will be given to the emerging cutting-edge fields of flexible electronics, including the Nano-joining and printing methods during the fabrication of flexible sensors, including OLED, electrochromic devices and zinc ion battery.

电子产品不断朝着小型化、多功能化、低功耗、高带宽和高速高频方向发展,对高密度先进封装器件的需求日益强烈,已经应用到5G通信、航空、航天、人工智能AI等重要领域。微纳互连是芯片封装中不可或缺的关键工艺,是实现从芯片到元器件及系统的桥梁,起到电气互连、机械固定和环境保护的作用,先进芯片封装技术的每一次进步都得益于微纳互连技术的发展。演讲将介绍先进芯片封装中的材料、封装方法和可靠性,包括三维系统级封装System in Pacakge(SiP)和多芯粒封装(Chiplets)中的梯度互连材料设计、跨尺度三维互连方法以及多尺度仿真可靠性评价策略和寿命预测模型,最后介绍通过纳米尺度连接和打印实现柔性可穿戴电子器件的制备和应用,包括柔性OLED、电致变色器件以及水性锌离子电池等。


Yanhong Tian, Tenured professor of the School of Materials Science and Engineering in Harbin Institute of Technology, National high-level talents of MOE, Excellent Youth of NSFC in, is currently the vice director of the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining. She mainly engaged in electronic packaging technology and reliabilityand flexible electronic wearable sensor components. She is responsible for key projects of the National NSFC, MOST and MIIT, as well as multiple industry cooperation projects. The research results have been applied to key device packaging in the fields of aerospace electronics, power electronics, and flexible electronics. The research results in the reliability and life assessment of electronic packaging technology have been applied to satellite platform equipment, which ensure the reliable service of domestic electronic devices in severe environments. She served as the chairwoman of the Emerging micro-nano processing technology of the International Institute of Welding (IIW), Co-chair of the Technical Committee of the International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (IEEE-ICEPT), Executive Director of the welding branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, and editorial board member of multiple academic journals such as Electron. She has published over 300 papers in renowned academic journals and top-level academic conferences, she is the editor or co-editor of six books, and won 4 provincial and ministerial level awards of science and technology.

田艳红,哈尔滨工业大学长聘二级教授,曾任材料科学与工程学院焊接技术与工程系主任,先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室副主任。主要从事电子封装技术与可靠性、第三代半导体封装、柔性电子可穿戴传感器件方面的研究。负责专项课题以及多项行业合作项目,研究成果应用到宇航电子、功率电子、柔性电子领域的关键器件封装中,在电子封装技术可靠性及寿命评估方面的研究成果应用于多个型号卫星平台电子装备中,保障了国产核心电子器件在复杂服役环境下的可靠运行。担任国际焊接学会(IIW)新兴微纳连接工艺分会主席、电子封装技术国际会议(IEEE-ICEPT)技术委员会共同主席、中国机械工程学会焊接分会常务理事以及Electron等多个学术期刊的编委。在Adv. Mater, Matter, Cell子刊,ACS Nano, Adv.Opt.Mater., JMST等国内外知名学术期刊及国际顶级学术会议上发表论文300余篇,授权专利40余项,主编及参编著作6部,获得省部级科技奖励4项。

Veronica Augustyn


Harnessing Proton-coupled Electrochemical Processes in Metal Oxides for Energy Storage and Conversion


The electrochemical behavior of protons is important for advancing energy storage and conversion technologies operating in aqueous electrolytes. In this presentation, I will discuss our group’s research in understanding the behavior of protons in transition metal oxides, which include: proton adsorption and insertion (relevant for energy storage), hydrogen evolution (relevant for energy conversion), and dissolution of the transition metal oxide due to proton adsorption (considered a parasitic process). Of particular interest are systems where these processes can co-exist. I will also discuss our solid state chemistry approach to tuning the interlayer environment of hydrous oxides in order to control their electrochemical behavior in aqueous electrolytes. Overall, this research provides fundamental understanding of electrochemical processes of importance for aqueous energy and environmental technologies.

质子的电化学行为对于推进在水性电解质中运行的能量存储和转换技术非常重要。在本报告中,Veronica Augustyn将讨论我们小组在了解过渡金属氧化物中质子行为方面的研究,其中包括:质子吸附和插入(与能量存储相关)、氢演化(与能量转换相关)以及过渡金属氧化物因质子吸附而溶解(被视为寄生过程),尤其是这些过程可以共存的系统。Veronica Augustyn还将讨论调谐含水氧化物层间环境的固态化学方法,以控制它们在水性电解质中的电化学行为。总之,这项研究为水性能源和环境技术中重要的电化学过程提供了基本认识。


Professor Veronica Augustyn is the Jake & Jennifer Hooks Distinguished Scholar in Materials Science & Engineering, University Faculty Scholar, and Associate Professor at North Carolina State University. She also serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Materials Advances. Her research group focuses on the design, synthesis, and mechanistic understanding of materials for electrochemical energy and environmental technologies. She also leads an award-winning international project at NC State, SciBridge, which develops renewable energy research and education collaborations between universities in Africa and the U.S. Her research group has been recognized with a 2019 Sloan Fellowship in Chemistry, a 2019 DOE Early Career Award, and a 2017 NSF CAREER Award. In 2021, she was recognized by NC State as a Goodnight Early Career Innovator and received the George H. Blessis Advising Award for her mentorship of undergraduate students.

维罗妮卡-奥古斯汀教授是北卡罗来纳州立大学材料科学与工程系杰克和詹妮弗-胡克斯杰出学者、大学教师学者和副教授。她还是《材料化学杂志》(Journal of Materials Chemistry A)和《材料进展》(Materials Advances)的副主编。她的研究小组专注于电化学能源和环境技术材料的设计、合成和机理理解。她还领导着北卡罗来纳州立大学的一个获奖国际项目--SciBridge,该项目旨在发展非洲和美国大学之间的可再生能源研究和教育合作。她的研究小组曾获得2019年斯隆化学奖学金、2019年能源部早期职业生涯奖和2017年国家自然科学基金CAREER奖。2021 年,她被北卡罗来纳州立大学评为 Goodnight Early Career Innovator,并因指导本科生而获得 George H. Blessis Advising Award。

Xiuyun Liu


New Advances in Brain Disease Diagnosis and Treatments in NICU


Multi-modality monitoring becomes extremely important in intensive care unit for clinical diagnosis and treatments, especially in brain diseases. In neuro intensive care unit (NICU), various tools are applied at bedside, including intracranial pressure monitor, transcranial cerebral blood flow monitor, brain oxygen saturation monitor, brain metabolic monitor, etc. Dr Liu’s research mainly focuses on developing new techniques for clinicians in NICU. In this talk, she will introduce their new research achievements in brain disease diagnosis and treatments, including the application of AI, physiological signal processing algorithms and non-invasive stimulations, etc.



Xiuyun Liu is currently a professor in Biomedical Engineering at Tianjin University, China. She got her PhD in Clinical Neurosciences from University of Cambridge in 2017, after which, she went to University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) to do her first postdoc in Physiological Nursing Department between the year of 2017 and 2019. Then she joined the Department of Critical Care Medicine and Anesthesiology, Johns Hopkins University to do her research from 2019 to 2021. She joined Tianjin University as a full professor in July, 2021, and is currently serving as the vice dean of medical college. Her research work mainly focuses on developing various biomedical engineering technologies, such as photoacoustic imaging, non-invasive intracranial pressure monitoring etc into critical care medical field. She got Bill Gates Scholarship for her PhD study at Cambridge, which is the top full scholarship at Cambridge. She also obtained the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad in 2016. She is the vice president of the Life Support Technology Branch of the Chinese Medical Rescue Association, a member of the standing committee of China Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine Branch, a member of the standing committee of Tianjin Neuroscience Society, and the editorial board member of Military Medical Research.

刘秀云,天津大学英才教授,博士生导师,医学院副院长、先进医用材料与医疗器械全国重点实验室副主任,神经重症教育部医药基础研究创新中心执行主任。博士毕业于剑桥大学临床神经科学专业,后于加州大学旧金山分校及约翰霍普金斯大学麻醉重症系从事博士后研究,2021年入职天津大学。担任美国重症麻醉师协会学术委员会(SOCCA)委员、中国生物医学工程学会理事、传感器分会副主委,中国医学救援协会生命支持技术分会副会长、CAMDI麻醉与围术期医学分会委员、天津市神经科学学会第六届理事会常务理事,Military Medical Research青年编委等学术职务。入选《麻省理工科技评论》35岁以下科技创新35人(亚太区)。聚焦麻醉与重症医学领域的医工结合研究工作,旨在解决当前麻醉重症遇到的工程瓶颈问题,为一线医生提供更精准的治疗手段及策略。

Lingyan Shi


Multimolecular Hyperspectral Metabolic Imaging in Aging and Diseases


Metabolism is a complex biochemical process in living organisms that involves different biomolecules and consists of various reaction steps. To understand the multi-step biochemical reactions involving various components, its essential to elucidate in-situ dynamics and the correlations between different types of biomolecules at subcellular resolution. In this context, we integrated deuterium-probed pico-second stimulated Raman Scattering (DO-SRS), multiphoton fluorescence (MPF), and second harmonic generation (SHG) into a single microscopy system to study metabolic changes in aging and diseases.

Our current multimodal microscopy becomes a super-resolution (59nm) hyperspectral multiplex imaging platform by developing A-PoD and PRM deconvolution algorithms. Combining with deuterated molecules (glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, water molecules etc.) as probes, the metabolic heterogeneity of brain, adipose, liver, muscle, retina, kidney, lung, and ovaries, etc. (in Human, Mouse, and Drosophila tissues) are quantitatively imaged. This multi-molecular super resolution imaging approach dissects the molecular events and cellular machinery in living organisms during aging and disease progression, offering powerful tools potentially for disease detection, diagnosis, and assessing therapeutic efficacy & resistance, as well as for mechanistic understanding of scientific fundamentals in neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, drug delivery, and aging processes.




Lingyan Shi is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at UC San Diego. Her Lab’s research focuses on developing high-resolution, high-speed multimodal microscopy and for studying metabolic dynamics in aging and diseases. She discovered the "Golden Window" for deep tissue imaging and developed metabolic imaging platforms including “DO-SRS” and “STRIDE”. Shi group at UC San Diego transformed SRS into a super-resolution multiplex microscopy using A-PoD and PRM algorithms, uncovering lipid metabolic dynamics in the brain and fat tissues during aging processes. Dr. Shi holds 8 awarded patents. She received the Blavatnik Regional Award for Young Scientist in 2018, the Hellman Fellowship Award in 2021-2022, the "Rising Star Award" from Nature Light Science & Applications in 2021, the “Advancing Bioimaging Scialog Fellow" by RCSA and CZI, the “David L. William Lecture & Scholarship” Award from the Kern Lipid Conference, and the “Sloan Research Fellow” Award in Chemistry in 2023, and the 2024 rising star award by BMES-Cell and Molecular Bioengineering (CMBE) society.

石玲燕, 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校生物工程系助理教授, 其实验室的研究重点是开发高分辨率、高速多模式显微镜来研究衰老和疾病中早期新陈代谢的动态变化。她发现了深层组织成像的“黄金窗口”,并开发了包括“DO-SRS”和“STRIDE”在内的代谢成像平台。石教授领导的UCSD团队利用A-PoD和PRM算法将SRS转化为超分辨率多重显微镜,揭示了脑部和脂肪组织中脂质代谢动态在衰老过程中的变化。石教授拥有8项已授予的专利。她曾获得2018年布拉瓦特尼克年轻科学家区域奖、2021-2022年赫尔曼奖、2021年《自然-光学科学与应用》的“新星奖”、由RCSA和CZI颁发的“生物成像前沿研究学者”奖、 Kern脂质会议的“David L. William讲座奖”奖、2023年化学斯隆研究员奖以及由BMES-细胞与分子生物工程学会颁发的2024年新星奖。

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