来源:科学网 发布时间:2024/10/18 15:14:19








北京时间2024年10月18日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第208期将邀请到了图卢兹大学Kremena Makasheva教授作为主讲嘉宾,马德里材料科学研究所José A. Martín-Gago教授,Plasma Matters B.V.公司CEO Diana Mihailova也将进行分享!北卡罗来纳州立大学Xiaoning Jiang,图卢兹第三大学Philippe Teulet两位教授担任研讨嘉宾,北京大学Haixia Zhang教授担任主持人。




Kremena Makasheva


Plasma-Based Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Embedded in Dielectric Matrices and their Applications


The current tendency in design of compact devices requires integration of different functionalities in the same structure. A way to respond to this demand is to apply multifunctional components when assembling the device. Typically, these multifunctional components are under the form of piled very thin layers or nanostructures with specific patterns. They offer the possibility for transition from material level of development to system level of applications. For example, to provide a dielectric layer with enlarged and well-controlled electrical properties, one can use metallic nanoparticles dispersed in it. In this general scheme, our scientific approach concerns the multifunctionality of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) embedded in silica layers to form very thin nanostructures. The attractivity of AgNPs is based on their multifunctional properties, which allow addressing a large variety of applications, as demonstrated by our team. The optical properties of AgNPs were used to elaborate highly-performant plasmonic structures, aiming at a study of the conformational changes of proteins adsorbed on solid surfaces. Fine control of the AgNPs biocide properties was proved essential for fabrication of efficient and environmentally-friendly antimicrobial surfaces. The catalytic properties of AgNPs appear extremely helpful to advance our understanding and describe the role of metals in cosmic dust formation. In particular, this contribution focuses on the electrical charge injection and transport in thin dielectric layers containing AgNPs. The response of these nanostructures under electrical stress was found to be finely controlled via the AgNPs, thus providing solutions to avoid electrostatic issues in MEMS RF switches and HVDC cables. Electron emission from dielectrics under irradiation, which is critical for space applications, also can be controlled by incorporation of AgNPs. Combination of different AgNPs functionalities offers even larger scope when envisaging device assembly and fabrication.



Kremena Makasheva is Director of Research at CNRS, Laboratory on Plasma and Conversion of Energy (LAPLACE), Toulouse, France. She obtained a Ph.D. degree on Plasma Physics from Sofia University, Bulgaria in 2002, for her work on surface wave sustained plasmas.

Currently her research focuses on reactive plasmas, design, synthesis and characterization of nanostructures for biomedical, optical, electrical engineering and space applications. Multifunctionality of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) is in the heart of her research. In 2015 she and her colleagues proposed a AgNPs-based blocking layer to control charge injection and transport in dielectrics, with capacity to prevent dielectric charging in MEMS RF switches or to avoid breakdown phenomena in HVDC cables. Working also on the adhesion of proteins and microorganisms on solid surfaces she has a major contribution in the development of antimicrobial coatings with progressive release of the biocidal agent based on AgNPs embedded in dielectric matrices, thus providing a reduced environmental impact. She regularly serves IEEE Nanotechnology Council (IEEE NTC) with different actions. She was IEEE NTC Vice-President for Technical Activities in 2020-2021 and is currently IEEE NTC Vice-President for Conferences (2022-2023).

Kremena Makasheva是法国图卢兹CNRS等离子体与能量转换实验室(LAPLACE)的研究主任。她于2002年在保加利亚索非亚大学获得等离子体物理学博士学位,因为她在表面波维持等离子体方面的工作。目前,她的研究重点是活性等离子体、纳米结构的设计、合成和表征,这些纳米结构用于生物医学、光学、电气工程和空间应用。银纳米颗粒(AgNPs)的多功能性是她研究的核心。2015年,她和她的同事们提出了一种基于AgNPs的阻挡层,以控制介电材料中的电荷注入和传输,有能力防止MEMS射频开关中的介电充电或避免HVDC电缆中的击穿现象。她还研究了蛋白质和微生物在固体表面上的粘附,对开发基于AgNPs嵌入介电基质的渐进释放生物杀灭剂的抗菌涂层做出了重要贡献,从而减少了环境影响。她定期为IEEE纳米技术委员会(IEEE NTC)提供不同的服务。她曾在2020-2021年担任IEEE NTC技术活动副主席,是IEEE NTC会议副主席(2022-2023)。


Nanoparticles are essential components in the advancement of nanotechnology, with revolutionary potential across various fields such as medicine, sensing, catalysis, and electrochemistry. Chemical methods are favored for their fabrication due to their simplicity, high production rate and low cost. However, these methods present certain limitations. Here, we present the STARDUST machine, a world-unique experimental ultra-high vacuum station devoted to the production, manipulation, processing and in-situ analysis of a wide variety of nanoparticles. STARDUST is designed to produce a high throughput of highly controlled nanoparticles, which can be collected on arbitrary surfaces for diverse applications. These nanoparticles exhibit a controlled structure (e.g., core-shell, alloys, oxides, hydrides…) allowing meticulous control over their chemical composition, size (ranging from 5 to 20 nm), purity, and coverage (from 0.1 monolayer to 500 nm). Various application examples will be presented.



Director of the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) from 2022. Research professor at ICMM-CSIC from 2012. Leader of the ESISNA group (Interdisciplinary studies based on nanoscopic systems) from its foundation in 2005. From 2003 to 2015: Associated scientist to the Astrobiology centre (CAB-INTA) where he set up the simulation of planetary environments technological unit, to mimic space environments. From 2020-2021: Invited professor at FZU-Prague. Mobility program at the Institute of Physics of the Czech academy of sciences for 7 moths. Invited professor at the university Paul-Sabatier (6 weeks in IRAP-CNRS lab)-2022. From 2016- 2021 elected president of the Spanish vacuum society (ASEVA). Member of the steering committee of the Spanish Solid State Science Group, Royal Spanish Physical Society. From 2010-2021, Spanish representative in the “executive council” of the “International union of vacuum science and technique and applications” (IUVSTA)-delegates from 34 countries. Member of the “program scientific board” of large installation facilities as: ESRF (Grenoble), ELETTRA (Italy) and ALBA (Barcelona). Member of the Review panels of different European Agencies. Multidisciplinary topics, involving different areas with a multi-technique approach, from basic science (nanoscience), vacuum technology to applications and technology transfer: ultra-sensitive Biosensors, functionalization of 2D materials, On-surface chemistry, astrochemical catalysis, prebiotic origin of life, artificial photosynthesis or vacuum technology. Chairman of several international conferences (RIVA-X and XI-Iberian meeting on vacuum and applications; Bilbao-17 and Sevilla 19). Symposium organizer on “quantum” at the EMRS Fall Meeting 2023. Formation of personal: 11 phD thesis supervised, 2 of them awarded with the distinction of best thesis of the year in physics by the Autónoma Univ. of Madrid. More than 20 fix-term post-doctoral positions supervised. 9 of them have got permanent positions in different scientific institutions including ICMM. Bibliographic records:200 JCR publications; 3 full books as main author.


Diana Mihailova

The CEO of Plasma Matters B.V.

Modeling of plasma and particle growth in plasmas


Low-temperature plasma processes offer a particularly suitable solution to produce nanoparticles with a variety of chemical compositions, sizes and densities. Such nano-dusty plasmas became more of interest in the last decades and landed in various new plasma technologies. For example, the ability to selectively form and process nano-dust (sizes less than 100 nm) to enhance the structural, electrical, or mechanical properties of materials is a rapidly emerging industry. Nanometer-sized crystalline dust particles – so called quantum dots – can be utilized to enhance efficiency and stability of LED’s and solar cells and as probes for early cancer detection.

Fundamental understanding of the formation, growth and transport of dust is of great importance for the successful and efficient deployment of nano-dusty plasma technologies. Numerical plasma modeling is a powerful tool that can help not only the research community for the fundamental studies and interpreting experimental observations but can also serve industrial companies to answer technological questions promptly, cheaply and inspire the development of new plasma technologies.However, a self-consistent numerical model for complex nano-dusty plasma does not exist yet. We will present and demonstrate our effort towards the realization of such a complete plasma model that simulates dust particle formation, growth, and transport in plasma and describes self-consistently the interplay between the plasma, EM fields and dust particles. In addition, we aim at realization of a model that is computationally fast, has a sufficient predictive value and a high level of usability.




Diana Mihailova is the CEO of Plasma Matters, B.V. – a software company that specializes in numerical simulations and modeling of plasmas for industrial applications. The company was founded in 2015 and it is a spin-off company from Eindhoven University of Technology, department of Applied physics, group “Elementary processes in gas discharges”.Diana Mihailova obtained her PhD degree in the same group at Eindhoven University of Technology, where she also worked as a postdoc. Her field of expertise is modeling low-temperature plasmas for various applications, such as sputter plasmas for laser applications, plasmas for material processing, atmospheric plasma jets for surface treatment, dielectric barrier discharges, micro plasmas for biomedical applications, inductively coupled plasmas and microwave plasmas.

Diana Mihailova是Plasma Matters, B.V.的首席执行官——这是一家专门从事等离子体数值模拟和建模的软件公司,服务于工业应用。该公司于2015年成立,是埃因霍温理工大学应用物理系“气体放电中的基本过程”小组的衍生公司。

Diana Mihailova在埃因霍温理工大学的同一小组获得了博士学位,并在那里担任博士后。她的专业领域是为各种应用建模低温等离子体,如用于激光应用的溅射等离子体、材料处理用等离子体、表面处理用大气等离子体射流、介质阻挡放电、生物医学应用用微型等离子体、感应耦合等离子体和微波等离子体。

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