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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/9/28 12:39:36

日本筑波大学Shoi Shi等研究人员合作发现,突触化学遗传学揭示前额叶突触对稳态睡眠压力的调节。相关论文于2024年9月27日发表于国际学术期刊《科学》。





Title: Prefrontal synaptic regulation of homeostatic sleep pressure revealed through synaptic chemogenetics

Author: Takeshi Sawada, Yusuke Iino, Kensuke Yoshida, Hitoshi Okazaki, Shinnosuke Nomura, Chika Shimizu, Tomoki Arima, Motoki Juichi, Siqi Zhou, Nobuhiro Kurabayashi, Takeshi Sakurai, Sho Yagishita, Masashi Yanagisawa, Taro Toyoizumi, Haruo Kasai, Shoi Shi

Issue&Volume: 2024-09-27

Abstract: Sleep is regulated by homeostatic processes, yet the biological basis of sleep pressure that accumulates during wakefulness, triggers sleep, and dissipates during sleep remains elusive. We explored a causal relationship between cellular synaptic strength and electroencephalography delta power indicating macro-level sleep pressure by developing a theoretical framework and a molecular tool to manipulate synaptic strength. The mathematical model predicted that increased synaptic strength promotes the neuronal “down state” and raises the delta power. Our molecular tool (synapse-targeted chemically induced translocation of Kalirin-7, SYNCit-K), which induces dendritic spine enlargement and synaptic potentiation through chemically induced translocation of protein Kalirin-7, demonstrated that synaptic potentiation of excitatory neurons in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) increases nonrapid eye movement sleep amounts and delta power. Thus, synaptic strength of PFC excitatory neurons dictates sleep pressure in mammals.

DOI: adl3043

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adl3043
