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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/3/30 10:36:59

比利时法兰德斯生物技术研究所Bart De Strooper小组在研究中取得进展。他们发现异种移植的人类小胶质细胞在阿尔茨海默病相关淀粉样蛋白病理反应中,表现出不同的转录组状态。2024327日,国际知名学术期刊《自然神经科学》发表了这一成果。





Title: Xenografted human microglia display diverse transcriptomic states in response to Alzheimer’s disease-related amyloid-β pathology

Author: Mancuso, Renzo, Fattorelli, Nicola, Martinez-Muriana, Anna, Davis, Emma, Wolfs, Leen, Van Den Daele, Johanna, Geric, Ivana, Premereur, Jessie, Polanco, Paula, Bijnens, Baukje, Preman, Pranav, Serneels, Lutgarde, Poovathingal, Suresh, Balusu, Sriram, Verfaillie, Catherine, Fiers, Mark, De Strooper, Bart

Issue&Volume: 2024-03-27

Abstract: Microglia are central players in Alzheimer’s disease pathology but analyzing microglial states in human brain samples is challenging due to genetic diversity, postmortem delay and admixture of pathologies. To circumvent these issues, here we generated 138,577 single-cell expression profiles of human stem cell-derived microglia xenotransplanted in the brain of the AppNL-G-F model of amyloid pathology and wild-type controls. Xenografted human microglia adopt a disease-associated profile similar to that seen in mouse microglia, but display a more pronounced human leukocyte antigen or HLA state, likely related to antigen presentation in response to amyloid plaques. The human microglial response also involves a pro-inflammatory cytokine/chemokine cytokine response microglia or CRM response to oligomeric Aβ oligomers. Genetic deletion of TREM2 or APOE as well as APOE polymorphisms and TREM2R47H expression in the transplanted microglia modulate these responses differentially. The expression of other Alzheimer’s disease risk genes is differentially regulated across the distinct cell states elicited in response to amyloid pathology. Thus, we have identified multiple transcriptomic cell states adopted by human microglia in a multipronged response to Alzheimer’s disease-related pathology, which should be taken into account in translational studies.

DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-01600-y

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-024-01600-y


Nature Neuroscience:《自然—神经科学》,创刊于1998年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:28.771