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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/2/29 15:48:01

美国波士顿大学Mikel Garcia-Marcos研究组取得一项新突破。他们开发出直接探究生理背景依赖GPCR活性的通用生物传感器平台。这一研究成果于2024226日发表在国际顶尖学术期刊《细胞》上。






Title: Direct interrogation of context-dependent GPCR activity with a universal biosensor platform

Author: Remi Janicot, Marcin Maziarz, Jong-Chan Park, Jingyi Zhao, Alex Luebbers, Elena Green, Clementine Eva Philibert, Hao Zhang, Mathew D. Layne, Joseph C. Wu, Mikel Garcia-Marcos

Issue&Volume: 2024-02-26

Abstract: G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of druggable proteins encodedin the human genome, but progress in understanding and targeting them is hinderedby the lack of tools to reliably measure their nuanced behavior in physiologicallyrelevant contexts. Here, we developed a collection of compact ONE vector G-proteinOptical (ONE-GO) biosensor constructs as a scalable platform that can be convenientlydeployed to measure G-protein activation by virtually any GPCR with high fidelityeven when expressed endogenously in primary cells. By characterizing dozens of GPCRsacross many cell types like primary cardiovascular cells or neurons, we revealed insightsinto the molecular basis for G-protein coupling selectivity of GPCRs, pharmacogenomicprofiles of anti-psychotics on naturally occurring GPCR variants, and G-protein subtypesignaling bias by endogenous GPCRs depending on cell type or upon inducing disease-likestates. In summary, this open-source platform makes the direct interrogation of context-dependentGPCR activity broadly accessible.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.01.028

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(24)00065-5
