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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/4/18 15:31:07

中国科学技术大学Shu Zhu,耶鲁大学医学院Richard A. Flavell,哈佛医学院Hailiang Huang和上海交通大学医学院Hua-Bing Li共同合作,近期取得重要工作进展。他们研究发现来自炎症性肠病风险基因座的lncRNA维持肠道宿主共生稳态。相关研究成果2023年4月13日在线发表于《细胞—研究》杂志上。






Title: A lncRNA from an inflammatory bowel disease risk locus maintains intestinal host-commensal homeostasis

Author: Ma, Hongdi, Hu, Taidou, Tao, Wanyin, Tong, Jiyu, Han, Zili, Herndler-Brandstetter, Dietmar, Wei, Zheng, Liu, Ruize, Zhou, Tingyue, Liu, Qiuyuan, Xu, Xuemei, Zhang, Kaiguang, Zhou, Rongbin, Cho, Judy H., Li, Hua-Bing, Huang, Hailiang, Flavell, Richard A., Zhu, Shu

Issue&Volume: 2023-04-13

Abstract: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are known to have complex, genetically influenced etiologies, involving dysfunctional interactions between the intestinal immune system and the microbiome. Here, we characterized how the RNA transcript from an IBD-associated long non-coding RNA locus (“CARINH-Colitis Associated IRF1 antisense Regulator of Intestinal Homeostasis”) protects against IBD. We show that CARINH and its neighboring gene coding for the transcription factor IRF1 together form a feedforward loop in host myeloid cells. The loop activation is sustained by microbial factors, and functions to maintain the intestinal host-commensal homeostasis via the induction of the anti-inflammatory factor IL-18BP and anti-microbial factors called guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs). Extending these mechanistic insights back to humans, we demonstrate that the function of the CARINH/IRF1 loop is conserved between mice and humans. Genetically, the T allele of rs2188962, the most probable causal variant of IBD within the CARINH locus from the human genetics study, impairs the inducible expression of the CARINH/IRF1 loop and thus increases genetic predisposition to IBD. Our study thus illustrates how an IBD-associated lncRNA maintains intestinal homeostasis and protects the host against colitis.

DOI: 10.1038/s41422-023-00790-7

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41422-023-00790-7


Cell Research:《细胞研究》,创刊于1990年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:20.057