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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2023/3/23 11:42:05

比利时Janssen制药公司Marnix Van Loock团队近期取得重要工作进展,他们研究发现阻断NS3–NS4B相互作用可以抑制非人类灵长类动物中的登革病毒。相关研究论文2023年3月15日在线发表于《自然》杂志上。





Title: Blocking NS3–NS4B interaction inhibits dengue virus in non-human primates

Author: Goethals, Olivia, Kaptein, Suzanne J. F., Kesteleyn, Bart, Bonfanti, Jean-Franois, Van Wesenbeeck, Liesbeth, Bardiot, Dorothe, Verschoor, Ernst J., Verstrepen, Babs E., Fagrouch, Zahra, Putnak, J. Robert, Kiemel, Dominik, Ackaert, Oliver, Straetemans, Roel, Lachau-Durand, Sophie, Geluykens, Peggy, Crabbe, Marjolein, Thys, Kim, Stoops, Bart, Lenz, Oliver, Tambuyzer, Lotke, De Meyer, Sandra, Dallmeier, Kai, McCracken, Michael K., Gromowski, Gregory D., Rutvisuttinunt, Wiriya, Jarman, Richard G., Karasavvas, Nicos, Touret, Franck, Querat, Gilles, de Lamballerie, Xavier, Chatel-Chaix, Laurent, Milligan, Gregg N., Beasley, David W. C., Bourne, Nigel, Barrett, Alan D. T., Marchand, Arnaud, Jonckers, Tim H. M., Raboisson, Pierre, Simmen, Kenny, Chaltin, Patrick, Bartenschlager, Ralf, Bogers, Willy M., Neyts, Johan, Van Loock, Marnix

Issue&Volume: 2023-03-15

Abstract: Dengue is a major health threat and the number of symptomatic infections caused by the four dengue serotypes is estimated to be 96million1 with annually around 10,000 deaths2. However, no antiviral drugs are available for the treatment or prophylaxis of dengue. We recently described the interaction between non-structural proteins NS3 and NS4B as a promising target for the development of pan-serotype dengue virus (DENV) inhibitors3. Here we present JNJ-1802—a highly potent DENV inhibitor that blocks the NS3–NS4B interaction within the viral replication complex. JNJ-1802 exerts picomolar to low nanomolar in vitro antiviral activity, a high barrier to resistance and potent in vivo efficacy in mice against infection with any of the four DENV serotypes. Finally, we demonstrate that the small-molecule inhibitor JNJ-1802 is highly effective against viral infection with DENV-1 or DENV-2 in non-human primates. JNJ-1802 has successfully completed a phase I first-in-human clinical study in healthy volunteers and was found to be safe and well tolerated4. These findings support the further clinical development of JNJ-1802, a first-in-class antiviral agent against dengue, which is now progressing in clinical studies for the prevention and treatment of dengue.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05790-6

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05790-6

