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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/9/29 23:36:31


研究人员提供了目前最早的有颌脊椎动物的直接证据,并首次报道了双列黔齿鱼(Qianodus duplicis),这是一个早志留纪有颌类的新属和种,这是根据从中国贵州分离到的齿旋。这些齿旋拥有不脱落的牙齿,并排列成一对行,展示了在现代有颌类群体中发现的一些特征。这些特征包括在舌部增加牙齿,并在整个齿旋发育过程中保持这种模式。这些数据将有齿有颌类的记录延长了1400万年,从晚志留世到早志留世(大约4.39亿年前),对于记录脊椎动物的最初多样化非常重要。这些分析补充了越来越多的化石证据,并支持有颌脊椎动物更早出现是奥陶纪生物大分化事件(大约4.85-4.45亿年前)的一部分。



Title: The oldest gnathostome teeth

Author: Andreev, Plamen S., Sansom, Ivan J., Li, Qiang, Zhao, Wenjin, Wang, Jianhua, Wang, Chun-Chieh, Peng, Lijian, Jia, Liantao, Qiao, Tuo, Zhu, Min

Issue&Volume: 2022-09-28

Abstract: Mandibular teeth and dentitions are features of jawed vertebrates that were first acquired by the Palaeozoic ancestors1,2,3 of living chondrichthyans and osteichthyans. The fossil record currently points to the latter part of the Silurian period4,5,6,7 (around 425million years ago) as a minimum date for the appearance of gnathostome teeth and to the evolution of growth and replacement mechanisms of mandibular dentitions in the subsequent Devonian period2,8,9,10. Here we provide, to our knowledge, the earliest direct evidence for jawed vertebrates by describing Qianodus duplicis, a new genus and species of an early Silurian gnathostome based on isolated tooth whorls from Guizhou province, China. The whorls possess non-shedding teeth arranged in a pair of rows that demonstrate a number of features found in modern gnathostome groups. These include lingual addition of teeth in offset rows and maintenance of this patterning throughout whorl development. Our data extend the record of toothed gnathostomes by 14million years from the late Silurian into the early Silurian (around 439million years ago) and are important for documenting the initial diversification of vertebrates. Our analyses add to mounting fossil evidence that supports an earlier emergence of jawed vertebrates as part of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (approximately 485–445 million years ago).

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05166-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05166-2

