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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/8/13 23:38:12

德国亚琛工业大学Rafael Kramann、海德堡大学Julio Saez-Rodriguez等研究人员合作绘制出人类心肌梗塞的空间多组学图谱。2022年8月10日,《自然》杂志在线发表了这项成果。




Title: Spatial multi-omic map of human myocardial infarction

Author: Kuppe, Christoph, Ramirez Flores, Ricardo O., Li, Zhijian, Hayat, Sikander, Levinson, Rebecca T., Liao, Xian, Hannani, Monica T., Tanevski, Jovan, Wnnemann, Florian, Nagai, James S., Halder, Maurice, Schumacher, David, Menzel, Sylvia, Schfer, Gideon, Hoeft, Konrad, Cheng, Mingbo, Ziegler, Susanne, Zhang, Xiaoting, Peisker, Fabian, Kaesler, Nadine, Saritas, Turgay, Xu, Yaoxian, Kassner, Astrid, Gummert, Jan, Morshuis, Michiel, Amrute, Junedh, Veltrop, Rogier J. A., Boor, Peter, Klingel, Karin, Van Laake, Linda W., Vink, Aryan, Hoogenboezem, Remco M., Bindels, Eric M. J., Schurgers, Leon, Sattler, Susanne, Schapiro, Denis, Schneider, Rebekka K., Lavine, Kory, Milting, Hendrik, Costa, Ivan G., Saez-Rodriguez, Julio, Kramann, Rafael

Issue&Volume: 2022-08-10

Abstract: Myocardial infarction is a leading cause of death worldwide1. Although advances have been made in acute treatment, an incomplete understanding of remodelling processes has limited the effectiveness of therapies to reduce late-stage mortality2. Here we generate an integrative high-resolution map of human cardiac remodelling after myocardial infarction using single-cell gene expression, chromatin accessibility and spatial transcriptomic profiling of multiple physiological zones at distinct time points in myocardium from patients with myocardial infarction and controls. Multi-modal data integration enabled us to evaluate cardiac cell-type compositions at increased resolution, yielding insights into changes of the cardiac transcriptome and epigenome through the identification of distinct tissue structures of injury, repair and remodelling. We identified and validated disease-specific cardiac cell states of major cell types and analysed them in their spatial context, evaluating their dependency on other cell types. Our data elucidate the molecular principles of human myocardial tissue organization, recapitulating a gradual cardiomyocyte and myeloid continuum following ischaemic injury. In sum, our study provides an integrative molecular map of human myocardial infarction, represents an essential reference for the field and paves the way for advanced mechanistic and therapeutic studies of cardiac disease.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05060-x

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05060-x


