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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/7/16 18:21:10

美国怀特黑德生物医学研究所Max L. Valenstein和麻省理工学院Kacper B. Rogala团队合作提出营养感知枢纽GATOR2的结构。该项研究成果发表在2022年7月13日出版的《自然》上。

他们使用冷冻电镜来确定人类 GATOR2 复合物的三维结构。他们发现 GATOR2 采用大型(1.1 MDa)、双重对称、笼状结构,由八角形框架支撑,并装饰有八对 WD40 β-螺旋桨。该框架包含两个 WDR24、四个 MIOS 和两个 WDR59 亚基,这些亚基通过两种不同类型的连接环化,包括非催化环结构域和 α-螺线管。

通过β-螺旋桨叶片捐赠将 SEH1L 和 SEC13 整合到框架中,稳定了 GATOR2 复合物,并揭示了与核孔和膜涂层复合物的进化关系。框架定向 WD40 β-螺旋桨二聚体,其介导与 SESN2、CASTOR1 和 GATOR1 的相互作用。他们的工作揭示了营养感应机制的一个重要组成部分的结构,并为理解 GATOR2 在 雷帕霉素复合物 1 (mTORC1)通路中的功能提供了基础。

研究人员表示,mTORC1的机械靶点通过调节合成代谢和分解代谢过程以响应环境线索(包括营养素)来控制生长。氨基酸通过 Rag GTPase 向 mTORC1 发出信号,Rag GTPase 受几种蛋白质复合物的调节,包括 GATOR1 和 GATOR2。GATOR2 有五种成分(WDR24、MIOS、WDR59、SEH1L 和 SEC13),是氨基酸激活 mTORC1 所必需的,并分别与亮氨酸和精氨酸传感器 SESN2 和 CASTOR1 相互作用。尽管在营养传感中起着核心作用,但 GATOR2 仍然是神秘的,因为它的亚基化学计量、生化功能和结构是未知的。


Title: Structure of the nutrient-sensing hub GATOR2

Author: Valenstein, Max L., Rogala, Kacper B., Lalgudi, Pranav V., Brignole, Edward J., Gu, Xin, Saxton, Robert A., Chantranupong, Lynne, Kolibius, Jonas, Quast, Jan-Philipp, Sabatini, David M.

Issue&Volume: 2022-07-13

Abstract: Mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) controls growth by regulating anabolic and catabolic processes in response to environmental cues, including nutrients1,2. Amino acids signal to mTORC1 through the Rag GTPases, which are regulated by several protein complexes, including GATOR1 and GATOR2. GATOR2, which has five components (WDR24, MIOS, WDR59, SEH1L and SEC13), is required for amino acids to activate mTORC1 and interacts with the leucine and arginine sensors SESN2 and CASTOR1, respectively3,4,5. Despite this central role in nutrient sensing, GATOR2 remains mysterious as its subunit stoichiometry, biochemical function and structure are unknown. Here we used cryo-electron microscopy to determine the three-dimensional structure of the human GATOR2 complex. We found that GATOR2 adopts a large (1.1MDa), two-fold symmetric, cage-like architecture, supported by an octagonal scaffold and decorated with eight pairs of WD40 β-propellers. The scaffold contains two WDR24, four MIOS and two WDR59 subunits circularized via two distinct types of junction involving non-catalytic RING domains and α-solenoids. Integration of SEH1L and SEC13 into the scaffold through β-propeller blade donation stabilizes the GATOR2 complex and reveals an evolutionary relationship to the nuclear pore and membrane-coating complexes6. The scaffold orients the WD40 β-propeller dimers, which mediate interactions with SESN2, CASTOR1 and GATOR1. Our work reveals the structure of an essential component of the nutrient-sensing machinery and provides a foundation for understanding the function of GATOR2 within the mTORC1 pathway.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04939-z

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04939-z

