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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/6/5 21:04:59

美国斯坦福大学鲍哲南、Xiaoke Chen等研究人员合作开发出用于大脑和肠道的组织样神经递质传感器。2022年6月1日出版的《自然》杂志发表了这项成果。




Title: A tissue-like neurotransmitter sensor for the brain and gut

Author: Li, Jinxing, Liu, Yuxin, Yuan, Lei, Zhang, Baibing, Bishop, Estelle Spear, Wang, Kecheng, Tang, Jing, Zheng, Yu-Qing, Xu, Wenhui, Niu, Simiao, Beker, Levent, Li, Thomas L., Chen, Gan, Diyaolu, Modupeola, Thomas, Anne-Laure, Mottini, Vittorio, Tok, Jeffrey B.-H., Dunn, James C. Y., Cui, Bianxiao, Paca, Sergiu P., Cui, Yi, Habtezion, Aida, Chen, Xiaoke, Bao, Zhenan

Issue&Volume: 2022-06-01

Abstract: Neurotransmitters play essential roles in regulating neural circuit dynamics both in the central nervous system as well as at the peripheral, including the gastrointestinal tract1,2,3. Their real-time monitoring will offer critical information for understanding neural function and diagnosing disease1,2,3. However, bioelectronic tools to monitor the dynamics of neurotransmitters in vivo, especially in the enteric nervous systems, are underdeveloped. This is mainly owing to the limited availability of biosensing tools that are capable of examining soft, complex and actively moving organs. Here we introduce a tissue-mimicking, stretchable, neurochemical biological interface termed NeuroString, which is prepared by laser patterning of a metal-complexed polyimide into an interconnected graphene/nanoparticle network embedded in an elastomer. NeuroString sensors allow chronic in vivo real-time, multichannel and multiplexed monoamine sensing in the brain of behaving mouse, as well as measuring serotonin dynamics in the gut without undesired stimulations and perturbing peristaltic movements. The described elastic and conformable biosensing interface has broad potential for studying the impact of neurotransmitters on gut microbes, brain–gut communication and may ultimately be extended to biomolecular sensing in other soft organs across the body.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04615-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04615-2

