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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/6/29 17:40:30



该文中,研究人员设计了一种二维自旋交叉(SCO)配合物[Fe  II  (dpa)][(pzTp)FeIII(CN)3]2(1) (dpa=1,2-双(4-吡啶基)乙炔,pzTp=四(吡唑基)硼酸盐)。Fe II离子的局部结构变化通过刚性桥联配体(dpa)传播到整个晶体,导致弹性相互作用,从而实现[(pzTp)FeIII(CN)3]单元中极性顶端吡唑环的突然SCO和旋转运动。介电测量证实,自旋跃迁后发生了实质性的介电变化(Δε'=2.3)。



Title: Spin-Crossover Tuned Rotation of Pyrazolyl Rings in a 2D Iron(II) Complex towards Synergetic Magnetic and Dielectric Transitions

Author: Wen Wen, Qiang Liu, Shi-Hui Zhang, Nian-Tao Yao, Hiroki Oshio, Yin-Shan Meng, Tao Liu

Issue&Volume: 2022-06-26

Abstract: Materials showing synergy of magnetic and dielectric transitions are promising candidates for future molecular devices. The challenge is how to realize synergy between spin and dielectric transitions with responses to external stimuli. Herein, we design a 2D spin crossover (SCO) complex, [Fe  II  (dpa)][(pzTp)Fe  III  (CN)  3  ]  2  (  1  ) (dpa = 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethyne and pzTp = tetrakis(pyrazolyl)borate). The local structural changes about the Fe  II  ion were propagated to the whole crystal through the rigid bridging ligands (dpa), leading to elastic interactions to realize the abrupt SCO and rotational movements of polar apical pyrazolyl rings in the [(pzTp)Fe  III  (CN)  3  ]    units. Dielectric measurements confirmed a substantial dielectric change (  Δε'  = 2.3) upon the spin transition. This work provides a rational strategy to couple the spin transition and rotation of polar components, which is crucial for the synergetic switch of magnetism and dielectricity.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202208886

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202208886


Angewandte Chemie:《德国应用化学》,创刊于1887年。隶属于德国化学会,最新IF:12.959