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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2022/12/18 17:05:55


研究人员发现,薄冰的均匀性依赖于支撑膜的表面平整度,并开发了一种使用超扁平石墨烯(UFG)作为cryo-EM标本制备支撑物的方法,以实现对玻璃质冰厚度的更好控制。结果表明,UFG上均匀的薄冰改善了玻璃体标本的图像质量。使用这样的方法,研究人员成功地确定了血红蛋白(64 kDa)、无对称性的α-胎儿蛋白(67 kDa)和链霉素(52 kDa)的三维结构,分辨率分别为3.5埃、2.6埃和2.2埃。此外,这些结果证明了UFG在低温电子断层扫描和基于结构的药物发现领域的潜力。

Title: Uniform thin ice on ultraflat graphene for high-resolution cryo-EM

Author: Zheng, Liming, Liu, Nan, Gao, Xiaoyin, Zhu, Wenqing, Liu, Kun, Wu, Cang, Yan, Rui, Zhang, Jincan, Gao, Xin, Yao, Yating, Deng, Bing, Xu, Jie, Lu, Ye, Liu, Zhongmin, Li, Mengsen, Wei, Xiaoding, Wang, Hong-Wei, Peng, Hailin

Issue&Volume: 2022-12-15

Abstract: Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) visualizes the atomic structure of macromolecules that are embedded in vitrified thin ice at their close-to-native state. However, the homogeneity of ice thickness, a key factor to ensure high image quality, is poorly controlled during specimen preparation and has become one of the main challenges for high-resolution cryo-EM. Here we found that the uniformity of thin ice relies on the surface flatness of the supporting film, and developed a method to use ultraflat graphene (UFG) as the support for cryo-EM specimen preparation to achieve better control of vitreous ice thickness. We show that the uniform thin ice on UFG improves the image quality of vitrified specimens. Using such a method we successfully determined the three-dimensional structures of hemoglobin (64kDa), α-fetoprotein (67kDa) with no symmetry, and streptavidin (52kDa) at a resolution of 3.5, 2.6 and 2.2, respectively. Furthermore, our results demonstrate the potential of UFG for the fields of cryo-electron tomography and structure-based drug discovery.

DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01693-y

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-022-01693-y



Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:28.467