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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/7/18 13:28:29

英国牛津大学Sally Hopewell团队比较了渐进式运动与最佳实践建议(有或没有皮质类固醇注射)治疗肩袖疾病的效果。相关论文发表在2021年7月12日出版的《柳叶刀》杂志上。


在这项务实、多中心、非劣效、随机对照试验中(2 × 2因子),研究组从20个英国国家卫生服务信托基金招募18岁及以上肩袖功能障碍(过去6个月内新发)的患者。排除有严重肩部创伤(如脱位、骨折或需要手术的全层撕裂)、影响肩部的神经系统疾病、其他肩部疾病(如炎性关节炎、肩周炎或盂肱关节不稳)病史的患者,纳入在过去6个月接受皮质类固醇注射或物理疗法治疗肩部疼痛,或正在考虑手术治疗的患者。





Title: Progressive exercise compared with best practice advice, with or without corticosteroid injection, for the treatment of patients with rotator cuff disorders (GRASP): a multicentre, pragmatic, 2×2 factorial, randomised controlled trial

Author: Sally Hopewell, David J Keene, Ioana R Marian, Melina Dritsaki, Peter Heine, Lucy Cureton, Susan J Dutton, Helen Dakin, Andrew Carr, Willie Hamilton, Zara Hansen, Anju Jaggi, Chris Littlewood, Karen L Barker, Alastair Gray, Sarah E Lamb, Marcus Bateman, Alison Hallett, Helen Thompson, Elaine Willmore, Lucy McCann, Jonathan Price, Neil Smith, Harry Kardamilas, Matt Hurst, Tim Andrews, Lori Wells, Chloe De Matas, Arun Jaykumar, Sean Grove, Corinne Birch, Julie Bury, James Blacknall, Sally Jessop, Llewelyn Boucher, Robert Sandbach, Stacey Lalande, Gill Dickson, Treena Larkin, Carole Cummings

Issue&Volume: 2021-07-12



Corticosteroid injections and physiotherapy exercise programmes are commonly used to treat rotator cuff disorders but the treatments' effectiveness is uncertain. We aimed to compare the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a progressive exercise programme with a single session of best practice physiotherapy advice, with or without corticosteroid injection, in adults with a rotator cuff disorder.


In this pragmatic, multicentre, superiority, randomised controlled trial (2×2 factorial), we recruited patients from 20 UK National Health Service trusts. We included patients aged 18 years or older with a rotator cuff disorder (new episode within the past 6 months). Patients were excluded if they had a history of significant shoulder trauma (eg, dislocation, fracture, or full-thickness tear requiring surgery), neurological disease affecting the shoulder, other shoulder conditions (eg, inflammatory arthritis, frozen shoulder, or glenohumeral joint instability), received corticosteroid injection or physiotherapy for shoulder pain in the past 6 months, or were being considered for surgery. Patients were randomly assigned (centralised computer-generated system, 1:1:1:1) to progressive exercise (≤6 sessions), best practice advice (one session), corticosteroid injection then progressive exercise, or corticosteroid injection then best practice advice. The primary outcome was the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) score over 12 months, analysed on an intention-to-treat basis (statistical significance set at 1%). The trial was registered with the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Register, ISRCTN16539266, and EuDRACT, 2016-002991-28.


Between March 10, 2017, and May 2, 2019, we screened 2287 patients. 708 patients were randomly assigned to progressive exercise (n=174), best practice advice (n=174), corticosteroid injection then progressive exercise (n=182), or corticosteroid injection then best practice advice (n=178). Over 12 months, SPADI data were available for 166 (95%) patients in the progressive exercise group, 164 (94%) in the best practice advice group, 177 (97%) in the corticosteroid injection then progressive exercise group, and 175 (98%) in the corticosteroid injection then best practice advice group. We found no evidence of a difference in SPADI score between progressive exercise and best practice advice when analysed over 12 months (adjusted mean difference 0·66 [99% CI 4·52 to 3·20]). We also found no evidence of a difference between corticosteroid injection compared with no injection when analysed over 12 months (1·11 [–4·47 to 2·26]). No serious adverse events were reported.


Progressive exercise was not superior to a best practice advice session with a physiotherapist in improving shoulder pain and function. Subacromial corticosteroid injection provided no long-term benefit in patients with rotator cuff disorders.

DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00846-1

Source: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)00846-1/fulltext

