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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/4/17 20:30:49

美国西奈山伊坎医学院Eimear E. Kenny课题组提出建立精细的人口健康监测系统的框架。相关论文于2021年4月16日 发表于国际顶尖学术期刊《细胞》。





Title: Toward a fine-scale population health monitoring system

Author: Gillian M. Belbin, Sinead Cullina, Stephane Wenric, Emily R. Soper, Benjamin S. Glicksberg, Denis Torre, Arden Moscati, Genevieve L. Wojcik, Ruhollah Shemirani, Noam D. Beckmann, Ariella Cohain, Elena P. Sorokin, Danny S. Park, Jose-Luis Ambite, Steve Ellis, Adam Auton, Erwin P. Bottinger, Judy H. Cho, Ruth J.F. Loos, Noura S. Abul-Husn, Noah A. Zaitlen, Christopher R. Gignoux, Eimear E. Kenny

Issue&Volume: 2021/04/15

Abstract: Understanding population health disparities is an essential component of equitable precision health efforts. Epidemiology research often relies on definitions of race and ethnicity, but these population labels may not adequately capture disease burdens and environmental factors impacting specific sub-populations. Here, we propose a framework for repurposing data from electronic health records (EHRs) in concert with genomic data to explore the demographic ties that can impact disease burdens. Using data from a diverse biobank in New York City, we identified 17 communities sharing recent genetic ancestry. We observed 1,177 health outcomes that were statistically associated with a specific group and demonstrated significant differences in the segregation of genetic variants contributing to Mendelian diseases. We also demonstrated that fine-scale population structure can impact the prediction of complex disease risk within groups. This work reinforces the utility of linking genomic data to EHRs and provides a framework toward fine-scale monitoring of population health.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.03.034

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(21)00365-2
