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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2021/1/29 17:02:13

以色列特拉维夫大学Uri Ben-David团队发现,非整倍性使癌细胞对有丝分裂检查点更为敏感。相关论文于2021年1月27日在线发表于国际学术期刊《自然》。






Title: Aneuploidy renders cancer cells vulnerable to mitotic checkpoint inhibition

Author: Yael Cohen-Sharir, James M. McFarland, Mai Abdusamad, Carolyn Marquis, Sara V. Bernhard, Mariya Kazachkova, Helen Tang, Marica R. Ippolito, Kathrin Laue, Johanna Zerbib, Heidi L. H. Malaby, Andrew Jones, Lisa-Marie Stautmeister, Irena Bockaj, Ren Wardenaar, Nicholas Lyons, Ankur Nagaraja, Adam J. Bass, Diana C. J. Spierings, Floris Foijer, Rameen Beroukhim, Stefano Santaguida, Todd R. Golub, Jason Stumpff, Zuzana Storchov, Uri Ben-David

Issue&Volume: 2021-01-27

Abstract: Selective targeting of aneuploid cells is an attractive strategy for cancer treatment1. However, it is unclear whether aneuploidy generates any clinically relevant vulnerabilities in cancer cells. Here we mapped the aneuploidy landscapes of about 1,000 human cancer cell lines, and analysed genetic and chemical perturbation screens2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 to identify cellular vulnerabilities associated with aneuploidy. We found that aneuploid cancer cells show increased sensitivity to genetic perturbation of core components of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), which ensures the proper segregation of chromosomes during mitosis10. Unexpectedly, we also found that aneuploid cancer cells were less sensitive than diploid cells to short-term exposure to multiple SAC inhibitors. Indeed, aneuploid cancer cells became increasingly sensitive to inhibition of SAC over time. Aneuploid cells exhibited aberrant spindle geometry and dynamics, and kept dividing when the SAC was inhibited, resulting in the accumulation of mitotic defects, and in unstable and less-fit karyotypes. Therefore, although aneuploid cancer cells could overcome inhibition of SAC more readily than diploid cells, their long-term proliferation was jeopardized. We identified a specific mitotic kinesin, KIF18A, whose activity was perturbed in aneuploid cancer cells. Aneuploid cancer cells were particularly vulnerable to depletion of KIF18A, and KIF18A overexpression restored their response to SAC inhibition. Our results identify a therapeutically relevant, synthetic lethal interaction between aneuploidy and the SAC.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-03114-6

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-03114-6

