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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/9/26 13:55:21

新加坡基因研究院Ramanuj DasGupta、Ankur Sharma、Florent Ginhoux和新加坡国家癌症中心Pierce K.H. Chow研究组合作的新研究,揭示了肝癌癌胚内皮细胞重编程促进免疫抑制性巨噬细胞的产生。相关论文在线发表在2020年9月24日出版的《细胞》杂志上。

研究人员利用scRNA测序表征了人类肝脏细胞从发育到疾病的图谱。对人类胎儿、肝细胞癌(HCC)和小鼠肝脏约212,000个代表性细胞进行的分析表明,肿瘤微环境具有明显的胎儿样重编程。具体来说,HCC发育的特征让人联想到胎儿的发育,包括胎儿相关内皮细胞(PLVAP /VEGFR2)和胎儿样(FOLR2)肿瘤相关巨噬细胞的重新出现。跨物种比较分析表明小鼠胚胎、胎儿肝脏和肿瘤巨噬细胞之间存在相似性。



Title:Onco-fetal Reprogramming of Endothelial Cells Drives Immunosuppressive Macrophages in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Author:Ankur Sharma Justine Jia Wen Seow 15 Charles-Antoine Dutertre 15 Pierce K.H. Chow Florent Ginhoux Ramanuj DasGupta 16
Issue&Volume:September 24, 2020
Abstract: We employed scRNA sequencing to extensively characterize the cellular landscape of human liver from development to disease. Analysis of ∼212,000 cells representing human fetal, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and mouse liver revealed remarkable fetal-like reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment. Specifically, the HCC ecosystem displayed features reminiscent of fetal development, including re-emergence of fetal-associated endothelial cells (PLVAP/VEGFR2) and fetal-like (FOLR2) tumor-associated macrophages. In a cross-species comparative analysis, we discovered remarkable similarity between mouse embryonic, fetal-liver, and tumor macrophages. Spatial transcriptomics further revealed a shared onco-fetal ecosystem between fetal liver and HCC. Furthermore, gene regulatory analysis, spatial transcriptomics, and in vitro functional assays implicated VEGF and NOTCH signaling in maintaining onco-fetal ecosystem. Taken together, we report a shared immunosuppressive onco-fetal ecosystem in fetal liver and HCC. Our results unravel a previously unexplored onco-fetal reprogramming of the tumor ecosystem, provide novel targets for therapeutic interventions in HCC, and open avenues for identifying similar paradigms in other cancers and disease.
Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)31082-5
