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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/9/24 14:16:14

英国剑桥大学Kathy K. Niakan小组的一项最新研究揭示了人、牛和小鼠胚胎中保守的滋养外胚层(TE)基序。该研究于2020年9月23日在线发表于国际学术期刊《自然》。





Title: Initiation of a conserved trophectoderm program in human, cow and mouse embryos

Author: Claudia Gerri, Afshan McCarthy, Gregorio Alanis-Lobato, Andrej Demtschenko, Alexandre Bruneau, Sophie Loubersac, Norah M. E. Fogarty, Daniel Hampshire, Kay Elder, Phil Snell, Leila Christie, Laurent David, Hilde Van de Velde, Ali A. Fouladi-Nashta, Kathy K. Niakan

Issue&Volume: 2020-09-23

Abstract: Current understandings of cell specification in early mammalian pre-implantation development are based mainly on mouse studies. The first lineage differentiation event occurs at the morula stage, with outer cells initiating a trophectoderm (TE) placental progenitor program. The inner cell mass arises from inner cells during subsequent developmental stages and comprises precursor cells of the embryo proper and yolk sac1. Recent gene-expression analyses suggest that the mechanisms that regulate early lineage specification in the mouse may differ in other mammals, including human2,3,4,5 and cow6. Here we show the evolutionary conservation of a molecular cascade that initiates TE segregation in human, cow and mouse embryos. At the morula stage, outer cells acquire an apical–basal cell polarity, with expression of atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) at the contact-free domain, nuclear expression of Hippo signalling pathway effectors and restricted expression of TE-associated factors such as GATA3, which suggests initiation of a TE program. Furthermore, we demonstrate that inhibition of aPKC by small-molecule pharmacological modulation or Trim-Away protein depletion impairs TE initiation at the morula stage. Our comparative embryology analysis provides insights into early lineage specification and suggests that a similar mechanism initiates a TE program in human, cow and mouse embryos.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2759-x

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2759-x

