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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/9/14 13:14:39

美国西北血液中心Barbara A. Konkle团队研究了BIVV001融合蛋白作为因子Ⅷ替代治疗A型血友病的疗效。2020年9月10日,该研究发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》上。


在这项临床1-2a期、开放标签试验中,研究组招募了16例18-65岁、先前治疗过、严重血友病(因子Ⅷ活性小于1%)男性,将其随机分组,分别接受静脉注射重组因子Ⅷ剂量25(低剂量组)或65 IU/kg体重(高剂量组)。注射后至少有3天的洗脱期。这些患者随后接受了相应剂量的BIVV001单次静脉注射,分别为25或65 IU/kg体重。




Title: BIVV001 Fusion Protein as Factor VIII Replacement Therapy for Hemophilia A

Author: Barbara A. Konkle, M.D.,, Amy D. Shapiro, M.D.,, Doris V. Quon, M.D., Ph.D.,, Janice M. Staber, M.D.,, Roshni Kulkarni, M.D.,, Margaret V. Ragni, M.D., M.P.H.,, Ekta S. Chhabra, Ph.D.,, Stacey Poloskey, M.D.,, Kara Rice, M.S.,, Suresh Katragadda, Ph.D.,, Joachim Fruebis, Ph.D.,, and Craig C. Benson, M.D.

Issue&Volume: 2020-09-10



Factor VIII replacement products have improved the care of patients with hemophilia A, but the short half-life of these products affects the patients’ quality of life. The half-life of recombinant factor VIII ranges from 15 to 19 hours because of the von Willebrand factor chaperone effect. BIVV001 (rFVIIIFc-VWF-XTEN) is a novel fusion protein designed to overcome this half-life ceiling and maintain high sustained factor VIII activity levels. Data are lacking on the safety and pharmacokinetics of single-dose BIVV001.


In this phase 1–2a open-label trial, we consecutively assigned 16 previously treated men (18 to 65 years of age) with severe hemophilia A (factor VIII activity, <1%) to receive a single intravenous injection of recombinant factor VIII at a dose of 25 IU per kilogram of body weight (lower-dose group) or 65 IU per kilogram (higher-dose group). This injection was followed by a washout period of at least 3 days. The patients then received a single intravenous injection of BIVV001 at the same corresponding dose of either 25 IU or 65 IU per kilogram. Adverse events and pharmacokinetic measurements were assessed.


No inhibitors to factor VIII were detected and no hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis events were reported up to 28 days after the injection of single-dose BIVV001. The geometric mean half-life of BIVV001 was three to four times as long as that of recombinant factor VIII (37.6 hours vs. 9.1 hours in the lower-dose group and 42.5 vs. 13.2 hours in the higher-dose group); the area under the curve (AUC) for product exposure was six to seven times as great in the two dose groups (4470 hours vs. 638 hours × IU per deciliter in the lower-dose group and 12,800 hours vs. 1960 hours × IU per deciliter in the higher-dose group). After the injection of BIVV001 in the higher-dose group, the mean factor VIII level was in the normal range (≥51%) for 4 days and 17% at day 7, which suggested the possibility of a weekly interval between treatments.


In a small, early-phase study involving men with severe hemophilia A, a single intravenous injection of BIVV001 resulted in high sustained factor VIII activity levels, with a half-life that was up to four times the half-life associated with recombinant factor VIII, an increase that could signal a new class of factor VIII replacement therapy with a weekly treatment interval. No safety concerns were reported during the 28-day period after administration.

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2002699

Source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2002699



The New England Journal of Medicine:《新英格兰医学杂志》,创刊于1812年。隶属于美国麻省医学协会,最新IF:70.67