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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/7/11 23:23:06

美国斯坦福大学医学院Brian K. Kobilka和Shoji Maeda研究组合作取得最新进展。他们完成了M1毒蕈碱受体毒素复合物的结构和选择性工程化。这一研究成果于2020年7月10日发表在《科学》杂志上。




Title: Structure and selectivity engineering of the M1 muscarinic receptor toxin complex

Author: Shoji Maeda, Jun Xu, Francois Marie N. Kadji, Mary J. Clark, Jiawei Zhao, Naotaka Tsutsumi, Junken Aoki, Roger K. Sunahara, Asuka Inoue, K. Christopher Garcia, Brian K. Kobilka

Issue&Volume: 2020/07/10

Abstract: Muscarinic toxins (MTs) are natural toxins produced by mamba snakes that primarily bind to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (MAChRs) and modulate their function. Despite their similar primary and tertiary structures, MTs show distinct binding selectivity toward different MAChRs. The molecular details of how MTs distinguish MAChRs are not well understood. Here, we present the crystal structure of M1AChR in complex with MT7, a subtype-selective anti-M1AChR snake venom toxin. The structure reveals the molecular basis of the extreme subtype specificity of MT7 for M1AChR and the mechanism by which it regulates receptor function. Through in vitro engineering of MT7 finger regions that was guided by the structure, we have converted the selectivity from M1AChR toward M2AChR, suggesting that the three-finger fold is a promising scaffold for developing G protein–coupled receptor modulators.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aax2517

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/369/6500/161
