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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/7/11 23:12:35

瑞典乌普萨拉大学Per Erik Ahlberg、Valéria Vaškaninová研究团队合作取得新进展。他们发现颌骨脊椎动物的祖先具有边缘齿列和多个真皮颚骨的特征。2020年7月10日出版的《科学》杂志发表了这项成果。




Title: Marginal dentition and multiple dermal jawbones as the ancestral condition of jawed vertebrates

Author: Valéria Vakaninová, Donglei Chen, Paul Tafforeau, Zerina Johanson, Boris Ekrt, Henning Blom, Per Erik Ahlberg

Issue&Volume: 2020/07/10

Abstract: The dentitions of extant fishes and land vertebrates vary in both pattern and type of tooth replacement. It has been argued that the common ancestral condition likely resembles the nonmarginal, radially arranged tooth files of arthrodires, an early group of armoured fishes. We used synchrotron microtomography to describe the fossil dentitions of so-called acanthothoracids, the most phylogenetically basal jawed vertebrates with teeth, belonging to the genera Radotina, Kosoraspis, and Tlamaspis (from the Early Devonian of the Czech Republic). Their dentitions differ fundamentally from those of arthrodires; they are marginal, carried by a cheekbone or a series of short dermal bones along the jaw edges, and teeth are added lingually as is the case in many chondrichthyans (cartilaginous fishes) and osteichthyans (bony fishes and tetrapods). We propose these characteristics as ancestral for all jawed vertebrates.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz9431

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/369/6500/211
