来源:BMC Public Health 发布时间:2020/5/13 15:18:00
控糖,也该从娃娃抓起 | BMC Public Health

论文标题:Impact of a health marketing campaign on sugars intake by children aged 5–11 years and parental views on reducing children’s consumption

期刊:BMC Public Health

作者:Jennifer Bradley, Grace Gardner et.al




原文作者:Megan Barling

接下来的分享将详细介绍了BMC Public Health发表的最新研究,该研究从家长角度切入探索5-11岁儿童的糖摄入量,并据此评估目前以减少糖摄入为目的的健康营销活动的实际影响力,明确下一步改进方向。


“你的孩子爱吃糖吗?”2-18岁的孩子平均每日的糖摄入量不应超过6茶匙(约25 g)。根据英国公共卫生部(Public Health England, PHE)的数据,儿童实际的糖摄入远远超出推荐量:每个儿童每天多吃了8个糖块,或者说每年多摄入了2800个糖块

为此,PHE发起了“理智控糖”运动(‘sugar smart’ campaign),目的在于提高大众对食品饮料中糖含量的认识,鼓励家长减少他们孩子的糖摄入量。“Change4life”是英国第一个全国社会性营销活动,活动宣传口号是“吃得好,多运动,享长寿”。


“Change4Life 理智控糖”项目于2016年1月4日启动。电视、广告牌和数字广告连续进行了6周的宣传支持这一活动。活动还包括一个可供家长免费下载的理智控糖App,扫描食品饮料包装上的条形码后该应用程序会用糖块的形式提示产品的总含糖量,给消费者以直观的感受。

BMC Public Health最近发表的一篇研究希望通过评估该运动对5-11岁儿童摄入糖的影响判断这个项目在改变人群饮食习惯方面的有效性。研究收集总结了家长对这项运动的看法,并着重探索了目前控糖方面存在的障碍。












BMC Public Health is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on the epidemiology of disease and the understanding of all aspects of public health. The journal has a special focus on the social determinants of health, the environmental, behavioral, and occupational correlates of health and disease, and the impact of health policies, practices and interventions on the community.

Citation Impact

2.567 - 2-year IF

3.275 - 5-year IF

1.342 - SNIP

1.382 - SJR



The association between Free Sugars intake and non-communicable diseases such as obesity and dental caries is well documented and several countries are taking measures to reduce sugars intakes. Public Health England (PHE) instigated a range of approaches to reduce sugars, including a national health marketing campaign (Sugar Smart). The campaign aimed to raise awareness of the amount of sugars in foods and drinks and to encourage parents to reduce their children’s intake. The aim of this study was to determine whether the campaign was effective in altering dietary behaviour, by assessing any impact of the campaign on sugars intake among children aged 5–11 years. Parental perceptions of the campaign and barriers to reducing sugars intake were also explored.


Parents of 873 children aged 5–11 years, identified from an existing PHE database, were invited to take part. Dietary information was collected online using Intake24 before, during, and at 1, 10 and 12 months following the campaign. Change in sugars intake was assessed using mixed effects linear regression models. One-to-one telephone interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of parents to explore perceptions of the campaign and identify barriers and facilitators to reducing children’s sugars intake.


Completion rates for dietary assessment ranged from 61 to 72% across the follow up time points. Qualitative telephone interviews were conducted with 20 parents. Total sugars intake decreased on average by ~ 6.2 g/day (SD 43.8) at peak campaign and the percentage of energy from total sugars significantly decreased immediately and 1 year post campaign. The percentage of energy from Free Sugars significantly decreased across all time points with the exception of the long term follow up at 12-months post campaign. The percentage of energy intake from total fat increased. Parents expressed a willingness to reduce sugars intakes, however, identified barriers including time constraints, the normalisation of sugary treats, and confusing information.


A health marketing campaign had a positive impact in reducing sugars intake but reductions in sugars were not sustained. Parents want to reduce their child’s sugars intake but societal barriers and confusion over which sources of sugars to avoid hamper efforts to change.


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