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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/3/29 23:42:46

Z核酸感应触发Z-DNA结合蛋白1(ZBP1)依赖性坏死和炎症,这一成果由德国科隆大学Manolis Pasparakis团队经过不懈努力而取得。2020年3月25日,国际学术期刊《自然》在线发表了这一成果。

研究人员发现在表达RIPK1 RIP同型相互作用基序(RHIM)突变(Ripk1mR / mR)的小鼠中,Zα依赖的内源性配体感知诱导ZBP1介导的围产期致死;在表皮特异性RIPK1缺失(RIPK1E-KO)的小鼠中引发皮肤炎和肠上皮特异性FADD缺失(FADDIEC-KO)的小鼠诱发结肠炎。同样地,在用caspase抑制剂处理或表达RIPK1 RHIM突变的成纤维细胞中ZBP1诱导的坏死需要功能性Zα结构域。在细胞核中抑制核输出诱发Zα依赖的RIPK3活化,导致细胞死亡,这表明ZBP1可能识别核Z型核酸。研究发现ZBP1以Zα依赖的方式组成性结合细胞双链RNA。在表皮RNA中检测到了内源性逆转录元件的互补片段,这表明源自这些逆转录元件的双链RNA可能充当触发ZBP1激活的Zα结构域配体。总体而言,该研究结果提供了证据,表明ZBP1感知内源性Z型核酸会引发RIPK3依赖的坏死和炎症,这可能是慢性炎症发展的基础,尤其是在RIPK1和CASP8突变的个体中。



Title: Z-nucleic-acid sensing triggers ZBP1-dependent necroptosis and inflammation

Author: Huipeng Jiao, Laurens Wachsmuth, Snehlata Kumari, Robin Schwarzer, Juan Lin, Remzi Onur Eren, Amanda Fisher, Rebecca Lane, George R. Young, George Kassiotis, William J. Kaiser, Manolis Pasparakis

Issue&Volume: 2020-03-25

Abstract: The biological function of Z-DNA and Z-RNA, nucleic acid structures with a left-handed double helix, is poorly understood1,2,3. Z-DNA-binding protein 1 (ZBP1; also known as DAI or DLM-1) is a nucleic acid sensor that contains two Zα domains that bind Z-DNA4,5 and Z-RNA6,7,8. ZBP1 mediates host defence against some viruses6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14 by sensing viral nucleic acids6,7,10. RIPK1 deficiency, or mutation of its RIP homotypic interaction motif (RHIM), triggers ZBP1-dependent necroptosis and inflammation in mice15,16. However, the mechanisms that induce ZBP1 activation in the absence of viral infection remain unknown. Here we show that Zα-dependent sensing of endogenous ligands induces ZBP1-mediated perinatal lethality in mice expressing RIPK1 with mutated RHIM (Ripk1mR/mR), skin inflammation in mice with epidermis-specific RIPK1 deficiency (RIPK1E-KO) and colitis in mice with intestinal epithelial-specific FADD deficiency (FADDIEC-KO). Consistently, functional Zα domains were required for ZBP1-induced necroptosis in fibroblasts that were treated with caspase inhibitors or express RIPK1 with mutated RHIM. Inhibition of nuclear export triggered the Zα-dependent activation of RIPK3 in the nucleus resulting in cell death, which suggests that ZBP1 may recognize nuclear Z-form nucleic acids. We found that ZBP1 constitutively bound cellular double-stranded RNA in a Zα-dependent manner. Complementary reads derived from endogenous retroelements were detected in epidermal RNA, which suggests that double-stranded RNA derived from these retroelements may act as a Zα-domain ligand that triggers the activation of ZBP1. Collectively, our results provide evidence that the sensing of endogenous Z-form nucleic acids by ZBP1 triggers RIPK3-dependent necroptosis and inflammation, which could underlie the development of chronic inflammatory conditions—particularly in individuals with mutations in RIPK1 and CASP817,18,19,20.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2129-8

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2129-8

